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Message ID: 910
Date: Wed Jun 30 02:46:35 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Female chars in EQ

Sereph mentioned that he always plays only female chars in RPG.
Just wonder how many are like him er....her...uh...HIM. (Subjective)

Anyhow...this really breaks my heart...all those babes might not be babes after all...
below that lacy leather armor lies a hairy chest??
Guess I'd better check if Ricecooker is actually male or female...LOL

No offense Sereph...just that you crushed my hopes of finding some medievial virgins and such... *grin*

----- Original Message -----
From: Sereph
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Fw: New EQ Player from Singapore!! Come to think of it..is anyone even interested?

FP far meh? level 6 more than enough to travel there. Just bank everything and sprint to BB and take the boot to FP. The whole journey is pretty much Mob free, my bard made it to FP at level 5-6 I think.
And nope, I don't get on Kali much. My nick there is Garford anyway. I use Sereph ONLY for RPG games

[Useless fact of the day: I never ever played a male character in an RPG game(be it PnP ones or electronic ones), unless I have no choice in the gender and the 2 most used names are Sabella and Sereph in that order]

And hell no, I'm not a castration fanatic. I only castrated Enteri as it took him so long to do a task for me and some people I dislike in not so real life.

Always remember this fact: Sereph is a female name.

Sereph, door to door parang saleswoman who won't take no for an answer.

Synzzz wrote:

Freeport??? That's a long way off for me now! Heck, I just reached level 6...think i'll die b4 i can even step on the boat...come to think of it,.,,i might never see the boat hehe I'll probably try and come over later...like when i reach at least level 8-10?Hmm..... Can i get monetary support if i'm one of you? (typical sg mentality hehe)Also...is that Parang Man Sereph some castrations fan?? I prefer to remain whole!!BTW...Sereph is aka Serephine from Kali? Long MIA from Kali,Synzzz aka Synner
----- Original Message -----
From: Sereph
To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Fw: New EQ Player from Singapore!! Come to think of it..is anyone even interested?
When the fish did we have rice cookers???
Since you're an S'porean, you have already clear part 1 of our joining ritual. You must now make your way over to Freeport for your "parang ceremony" held by me then the trial period where we monitor you. Then we'll officially accept you as one of us.

Only when you travel to FP can we aid you and besides, everyone is around FP

Sereph, your expert in parangs and fast castrations.

Synzzz wrote: