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Message ID: 909
Date: Wed Jun 30 02:36:23 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Re: Updated Player Listzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Yeah...that's what I heard...DE + Necro = KOS
That's until you get Invisibility right? That spell is on my LVL 8 rank system...
Hope you ge it earlier =)
BTW...does it make any diff in real combat? or juz the cool factor??

Just about to make lvl 7! (Groan....still LONG way to riches/big baddies...) A few more orc centurions and I'll be there...
apparently i ran into a local cleric in G-Faydark...anyone know a guy by nick of Anthar??]
We grouped up yesterday and lingered around the orc camp..one orc cent is ok...2 is ok if each
gets one...but 3 attacking one of us is mostly Death! Guess we can never underestimate anything
when we factor in strength of numbers.

Has any of you actually encountered probs with faction? I always attack those pixie/faerie thingies...any
negative effects with regards to impt aspects of game? (like cannot go somewhere etc...)

Cya all!
Synzzz aka Zanderion (in EQ)
----- Original Message -----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
To: SG-Everquest Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 9:05 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Updated Player Listzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

hi guys,
just wondering if anyone got a update player list? bery confusing to get from here n there leh...

err.. Zanderion... i think if u can made it to freeport u will certainly gain alot more than u r currently... i wish i could though BUT i think almost everything will KOS me... so gotta wait abit... :)

and actually dying 7-8 times is not that much lah... since i died more than 10 times b4 i got to level 2... in fact... i die n die again b4 i even get to my corpse... perhaps i chose the wrong class to start since i think Dark Elf got a harder starting area... BUT THEN... i guess this will teach me survival in a hard area b4 i suffer any penalties... :)

p/s : i think names are impt... quite an impt aspect of roleplay...
SC Cheng, Freddy
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