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Message ID: 911
Date: Wed Jun 30 03:19:09 BST 1999
Author: Lee Kai Wai
Subject: CB Hunt tonight
Ok, this is not the normal 'CB' we used to say in local community, for
those who are new to EQ, this CB is Crushbone.
Last night, I mean this morning 4am, Sereph and I took a boat from FP back
to BB. I'm going to hold a CB hunt tonight, with main objectives to
collect as many SBS (Shinny Bass Shield) for local kakis and for my own
sales. I will nuke all the orc trainers that spawn in 2-3 hrs session,
hopefully there is no higher lvl wiz ard the same place. H/w, while
mediating, I need pple to protect me. XP is not a concern tonight, loot
and money is.
If u need a SBS, come to meet me and sereph at the wood elf city PoD
(Priest of Discord) Lift tonight at 9pm. First comes first serves. If
time allows, I will try to complete the screaming mace quest for me coming
new char ;)
For those high lvl kakis who wish to contribute their part in helping our
pple, you are most welcome (imagine a group of 16-22 paladin, monks, wizs,
shaman etc wiping the whole CB camp, hahahahahah!)
The Laughting Wiz.