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Message ID: 914
Date: Wed Jun 30 07:24:06 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Female chars in EQ
> Sereph mentioned that he always plays only female chars in RPG.Just
> wonder how many are like him er....her...uh...HIM.
> (Subjective) Anyhow...this really breaks my heart...all those babes
> might not be babes after all...below that lacy leather armor lies a
> hairy chest??Guess I'd better check if Ricecooker is actually male or
> female...LOL No offense Sereph...just that you crushed my hopes of
> finding some medievial virgins and such... *grin*
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sereph
> To: sg-everquest@onelist.com
> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 1999 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Fw: New EQ Player from
> Singapore!! Come to think of it..is anyone even interested?
> FP far meh? level 6 more than enough to travel there. Just
> bank everything and sprint to BB and take the boot to FP.
> The whole journey is pretty much Mob free, my bard made it
> to FP at level 5-6 I think.
> And nope, I don't get on Kali much. My nick there is Garford
> anyway. I use Sereph ONLY for RPG games
> [Useless fact of the day: I never ever played a male
> character in an RPG game(be it PnP ones or electronic ones),
> unless I have no choice in the gender and the 2 most used
> names are Sabella and Sereph in that order]
> And hell no, I'm not a castration fanatic. I only castrated
> Enteri as it took him so long to do a task for me and some
> people I dislike in not so real life.
> Always remember this fact: Sereph is a female name.
> Sereph, door to door parang saleswoman who won't take no for
> an answer.