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Message ID: 915
Date: Wed Jun 30 07:34:08 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Enchanted Ring

I made platium sapphire mask(or izzit bracers. can't remember), platium opal
ring and platium ruby rings before when it come to high end Jewllery Making.

Sapphire give +7/+6 to strength and intelligence, Opal gives +7 stamina +5
agility and Ruby gives +7 str + 5 wisdom.

Note than enchant platinum is a level 30+ Enchanter spell and the gems I
listed are rare except for the ruby. So far, didn't see any enchanters of
that level in Innoruuk yet.

Lee Kai Wai wrote:

> From: Lee Kai Wai <leekw13@...>
> Looking for Jade rings/earrings that give +5INT,+5WIS+30mana. Can
> Kellendil make it? If possible, also looking for rings that increase STR
> or AGI for more than 3 points.
> Which is the best ring/earring u guys come across? Pls share. TIA!
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