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Message ID: 1613
Date: Tue Aug 10 02:55:06 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Guk Expedition (6/8/Fri)
The Guk hunt on last Fri night is not very sucessful.
Initially we plan to get some FBRs but many of us died when travelling in
Nek. In the end it became a corpse retrieving session, some of us even
died few times, ouch.
After everypne get their corpses, we proceed to upper guk. Loot is quite
ok, everyone get something I guess, mainly mesh (mostly given to YY, see he
laughting at the corner? hehe), woven & netted stuffs.
However, come to the later part, we started to trigger trains, and pple
starts to die again. Worst is Deadflower, who is binded in FP and died FEW
times in a row, running from FP to Guk. He is the most unlucky person for
that night, coz he died so many times tat he dropped lvl, PLUS his SBS is
deleted coz when we loot his and AA's corpse, both got SBS (lore item).
Due to the high number of casulties in Guk, we decided to go elsewhere for
hunting on Sat. H/w, I'm unable to join becoz I was busy helping
Deadflower to get back his lvl in Lake Rathetear and also camp for his SBS
(YES, got it after the 21th trainer I killed, better than last time, where
I need to kill 24 for AA's SBS). Boy that will be the last time I camp for
dirk or SBS man, next time I gonna gate u guys to camp yaself liao. I feel
so pai seh when everybody leave the hill when I camp there (one nuke
already hurt trainer more than 50%, no horse run, hehe). Some even renamed
the trainer hill after my name for that few hours - Ziltus Hill, LOL.
As a last note, I think it's best to have at least lvl 20 (I mean everybody
in the group) b4 u start to chong Guk.