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Message ID: 1634
Date: Tue Aug 10 16:34:08 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Guk Expedition (6/8/Fri)
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> The Guk hunt on last Fri night is not very sucessful.
> Initially we plan to get some FBRs but many of us died when travelling in
> Nek. In the end it became a corpse retrieving session, some of us even
> died few times, ouch.
> After everypne get their corpses, we proceed to upper guk. Loot is quite
> ok, everyone get something I guess, mainly mesh (mostly given to YY, see he
> laughting at the corner? hehe), woven & netted stuffs.
> However, come to the later part, we started to trigger trains, and pple
> starts to die again. Worst is Deadflower, who is binded in FP and died FEW
> times in a row, running from FP to Guk. He is the most unlucky person for
> that night, coz he died so many times tat he dropped lvl, PLUS his SBS is
> deleted coz when we loot his and AA's corpse, both got SBS (lore item).
> Due to the high number of casulties in Guk, we decided to go elsewhere for
> hunting on Sat. H/w, I'm unable to join becoz I was busy helping
> Deadflower to get back his lvl in Lake Rathetear and also camp for his SBS
> (YES, got it after the 21th trainer I killed, better than last time, where
> I need to kill 24 for AA's SBS). Boy that will be the last time I camp for
> dirk or SBS man, next time I gonna gate u guys to camp yaself liao. I feel
> so pai seh when everybody leave the hill when I camp there (one nuke
> already hurt trainer more than 50%, no horse run, hehe). Some even renamed
> the trainer hill after my name for that few hours - Ziltus Hill, LOL.
> As a last note, I think it's best to have at least lvl 20 (I mean everybody
> in the group) b4 u start to chong Guk.
> Ziltus
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