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Message ID: 1612
Date: Tue Aug 10 02:19:34 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Lvl 21 onwards
> Any reccomendations on where to hunt for good xp at lvl 21?
> I want creatures that con black/yellow at this lvl..
> Griffenes in North Karanas are too tough to solo (did do a few in group of
> 4) and the rest (beetles,griffawns,etc...)
> mostly not good xp. Also anyone has an idea of how many lvls a mob has to be
> above you to resist your spells?
> I was getting totally resisted by one red conned griffene which was really
> tough as even the lvl 22 tanks in our group
> was doing much much less than his normal max dmg. And a lvl 18 ranger was
> either getting riposted or only doing 1 dmg
> max!
> Hope to hear some comments/opinions!
> Thanks,
> Zanderion lvl 21 magi