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Message ID: 1614
Date: Tue Aug 10 03:02:06 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Hermit in SK

Any faction hit for killing that hermit? Does he got other kakis with him?
He uses spell or melee? How often is the dropping of FS weap? Hehe I'm
interest leh, can loot and gate back to GF to sell to those newbies (lots
of them, hehe).

Btw, I dun understand why certain item are so damn exp in the game. Compare
FS and normal weap, the dam difference is not that great right? Same for
netted armor and woven armor, the ac at most is plus 1 or 2 more only,
dunno why pple willing to pay so much for them.

Anyway, heck care man, most impt is to sell the loot at good price, hehe.

> BTW...anyone who needs fine steel weapons for their alternate chars or
> something...
> check out the hermit living in South Karana. He's dropped FS Long sword,
> Short sword,
> FS 2 handed Sword before. They're expensive at npcs right if u try to buy
> them? Was thinking of selling
> them to PCs but i think those damned ppl nowadays all twinked..who even
> wants them man? Unless
> i can find good low lvl chars to sell to in maybe more newbie
> territory..i'll just sell to NPC loh..no choice.
> Any ideas? Need cash as always...sigh... BTW..that hermit is lvl 20 FYI.
> Zanderion Magi of the 6th Rank