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Message ID: 1616
Date: Tue Aug 10 11:09:05 BST 1999
Author: Gary Qui Hong Loong
Subject: Re: Hermit in SK

for woven, the armor absorb is like cloth/leather

For mesh, it's like chain mail...
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 10:02
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] Hermit in SK

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Any faction hit for killing that hermit? Does he got other kakis with
> He uses spell or melee? How often is the dropping of FS weap? Hehe I'm
> interest leh, can loot and gate back to GF to sell to those newbies (lots
> of them, hehe).
> Btw, I dun understand why certain item are so damn exp in the game.
> FS and normal weap, the dam difference is not that great right? Same for
> netted armor and woven armor, the ac at most is plus 1 or 2 more only,
> dunno why pple willing to pay so much for them.
> Anyway, heck care man, most impt is to sell the loot at good price, hehe.
> > BTW...anyone who needs fine steel weapons for their alternate chars or
> > something...
> > check out the hermit living in South Karana. He's dropped FS Long sword,
> FS
> > Short sword,
> > FS 2 handed Sword before. They're expensive at npcs right if u try to
> > them? Was thinking of selling
> > them to PCs but i think those damned ppl nowadays all twinked..who even
> > wants them man? Unless
> > i can find good low lvl chars to sell to in maybe more newbie
> > territory..i'll just sell to NPC loh..no choice.
> > Any ideas? Need cash as always...sigh... BTW..that hermit is lvl 20 FYI.
> >
> > Zanderion Magi of the 6th Rank
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