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Message ID: 935
Date: Fri Jul 2 09:04:24 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Practing Melle Skills.
On Friday, 02 July, 1999 1:48 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...] wrote:
> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> Have always be wondering about the following.
> 1) I have 12 skills points on Bind wound. My current lvl caps is 105.
> Knowing that Bind wound will be effective if HP is 50% below. Let say I
> a Bind wound above 50% hp , a msg pops up and tells me its not working
> i usedup a Bandage. The question is DID i contribute some factor to
> the Bind wound skill or its just wasted.
> 2) I have a new Skill. eg: Eagle Strike. I go to Monk Guild to put 1
> practice point in it. Configure a hot key . Go to a zone and hunt
> Eg: orcs, Gnolls, Wiz, bears, etc,,(oops, not the wiz.. soorri, maybe
> Paladin...hmm..maybe not. hehehe)
> NOW, I con a nasties Orc for BLUE. I use eagle strike..It misses..Hit
> again..1 hit.. hit again missies. THE question. DID the missed hits
> contribute to any factor of Increase to the Eagle Strike skill
> 3)Eagle Strike skill again. This time I con a Orc for Green. I use new
> strike to hit it. It hits for 8 Damage...hit again 5 Damages. I keep
> Greenies but skill doest seem to go up. Or does it??????. I know that
> Blue nasties up the skills ,what about greenies?
> 4) Was at the oasis yesterday. A Sand Giant was chasing a guy. I was at
> 1st pillar. The Guy ran toward me. THe SG follows behind. SG went INTO
> WATER!!!!. Hit the guy bad. he died. SG look at me !. I smile. Wave. Says
> Hello! Bow, offer him Freddy as a Sacrifice and it still hits me for 48
> damages. I did a Feign Death. It stop hitting me. It hovers around my
> corpse for a while b4 going away..whew..
> NOW.. I looked around no SG . very the safe liao. Got up and went over to
> near 2nd Pillar. Use a Shrikens to lure a DWC. I fight Crocs till its
> die. From the horizon I see a BIG Black Shadow coming towards me. i Con
> Its a SG!.its far..np. looked at it again. It getting closer. I didnt see
> was chasing anyone. It came straight at ME!. I ran.It hits me. I feign
> death. it goes away. i got up. After a while the SG appear from a Sand
> I didnt see it this time. It hits me bad. I feign death. Failed.. I
> &^%$%$#%@.
> QUESTION: SG Gunning me down! WHY???? it has a "link" on me since i Feign
> death??? lotsa ppl saw it and says my FAction was low with SG. Ya sure. I
> killed hundreds of SG alreadi. :P .Some says i Killed it Baby
> Maybe, becos of the Parang Sereph lompang to me, parang got some smelly
> blood from last ritual Sereph did on Einan. I tellin u , Sereph is NOT
> well.Trifrost, Garren , Leshrec and Zitus should have a good talk with
> her/him/it.
> Ok long questions. Give me good short answers please.
> A puzzle Yiyang
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