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Message ID: 934
Date: Fri Jul 2 08:45:27 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Trade Skills needed - Pls advice

Very sian with work, so spend 3 min answering to my best knowledge.

> 1) do u usaully sells the brew to NPC vendors ?

So far I only sell to npc, since I cant find player who is willing to buy
200 over bottles of fiery brew from me at a time.

> 2) Whats the "Carreer" path for a Brewer? Can he make high lvl potions
> Gate potions or only alcoholics stuff.

I think u need alchemist to make potion, not via brewing.

> 3) Knowing that over consumption of "Drinks" will lower your INT, does
> brewing lower INT too.

So far brewing dun lower my INT. Only comsumption will.

IMHO brewing is a very easy and nice trade to develop. If u got 5-10pp and
2 hrs to spare, why not max it out? If omeday your char corrupted and all
the items on u and ya bank kena wiped off, you still have a skill to make
some money ;)
