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Message ID: 933
Date: Fri Jul 2 06:48:22 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Practing Melle Skills.

Have always be wondering about the following.

1) I have 12 skills points on Bind wound. My current lvl caps is 105.
Knowing that Bind wound will be effective if HP is 50% below. Let say I did
a Bind wound above 50% hp , a msg pops up and tells me its not working and
i usedup a Bandage. The question is DID i contribute some factor to increase
the Bind wound skill or its just wasted.

2) I have a new Skill. eg: Eagle Strike. I go to Monk Guild to put 1
practice point in it. Configure a hot key . Go to a zone and hunt Nasties,
Eg: orcs, Gnolls, Wiz, bears, etc,,(oops, not the wiz.. soorri, maybe
Paladin...hmm..maybe not. hehehe)
NOW, I con a nasties Orc for BLUE. I use eagle strike..It misses..Hit
again..1 hit.. hit again missies. THE question. DID the missed hits
contribute to any factor of Increase to the Eagle Strike skill overtime????

3)Eagle Strike skill again. This time I con a Orc for Green. I use new Eagle
strike to hit it. It hits for 8 Damage...hit again 5 Damages. I keep killing
Greenies but skill doest seem to go up. Or does it??????. I know that KiIlin
Blue nasties up the skills ,what about greenies?

4) Was at the oasis yesterday. A Sand Giant was chasing a guy. I was at the
1st pillar. The Guy ran toward me. THe SG follows behind. SG went INTO the
WATER!!!!. Hit the guy bad. he died. SG look at me !. I smile. Wave. Says
Hello! Bow, offer him Freddy as a Sacrifice and it still hits me for 48
damages. I did a Feign Death. It stop hitting me. It hovers around my fake
corpse for a while b4 going away..whew..
NOW.. I looked around no SG . very the safe liao. Got up and went over to
near 2nd Pillar. Use a Shrikens to lure a DWC. I fight Crocs till its Almost
die. From the horizon I see a BIG Black Shadow coming towards me. i Con it.
Its a SG!.its far..np. looked at it again. It getting closer. I didnt see it
was chasing anyone. It came straight at ME!. I ran.It hits me. I feign
death. it goes away. i got up. After a while the SG appear from a Sand Dune.
I didnt see it this time. It hits me bad. I feign death. Failed.. I died!
QUESTION: SG Gunning me down! WHY???? it has a "link" on me since i Feign
death??? lotsa ppl saw it and says my FAction was low with SG. Ya sure. I
killed hundreds of SG alreadi. :P .Some says i Killed it Baby SG...hmm......
Maybe, becos of the Parang Sereph lompang to me, parang got some smelly
blood from last ritual Sereph did on Einan. I tellin u , Sereph is NOT
well.Trifrost, Garren , Leshrec and Zitus should have a good talk with

Ok long questions. Give me good short answers please.

A puzzle Yiyang