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Message ID: 2197
Date: Fri Aug 27 03:36:48 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Fw: [EQ_Innoruuk] Talshiar, Maquis and Umriistin (or something to that effect).
>From: "Davis Tuea" <dtfp@...>her
>Read the below msg if this is who i think it is, (the CB DE wiz that
>kill steal from ZIltus), I feel so bad for Wyvlen.
>QHD name is tarnished by her. sigh
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Silvera tinkerbelle <eqcutie@...>
>To: EQ_Innoruuk@onelist.com <EQ_Innoruuk@onelist.com>
>Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 10:00 AM
>Subject: [EQ_Innoruuk] Talshiar, Maquis and Umriistin (or something to that
>>From: "Silvera tinkerbelle" <eqcutie@...>
>>This is a general warning to all u hardy adventurers.
>>This above mentioned person (who has changed name twice because she is so
>>hated) is a known kill stealer and loot stealer. She is now a "hunted"
>>person by most of the high levels in the realm.
>>She can be recognized by her new name Umriistin (or something like that).
>>She is the green eyed darkelf (the pretty one unforunately), wearing an
>>oracle robe, carrying a glowing stein and staff of writhing (same graphic
>>POD's staff). She is in role-playing mode and may or may not still be in
>>guild <Qui'Hadom>(or however thats spelled). She is in the low level 30s.
>>Why is she hunted by the high levels? Well, she tagged along on our
>>serverwide event of the slaying of Nagefen (40+ people involved). When we
>>killed 2 of the 3 named level 52 bosses, she looted them immediately once
>>the killing party's loot period was over (they were NO DROP items, and the
>>group that killed it didnt have priority over the item). Whats more, she
>>didnt admit to it when asked "Who looted?". Even worse, when people SAW
>>loot the 2nd kill (the 1st one noone saw because we still had to deal withlooting.
>>fire giants after killing the boss monster), she denied and said she was
>>"ducking", thats 2 different and obvious graphics from ducking and
>>Then she pushed the blame to Holyomen saying he looted. But Holyomen wasand
>>halfway across the room! So, Kelseferious was called in (after checking
>>his supervisor) and low and behold... he did an inventory check and u
>>guessed it! It was in her inventory! He destroyed it and created a new one
>>and gave it to its elected owner. We told her to leave after, but she
>>wouldnt (only dragon left at this time). She went invis and stood in the
>>corner. We couldnt do anything... so we went for nag... well, we failed
>>many died several times. During CR, our rogues actually found Maquis'sget
>>corpse in lava under nagafen! We were overjoyed! We did everyones CR but
>>hers, she deserved nothing less. Then we all gated out. Only leaving 2
>>people. One of them decided to take pity on her and actually managed to
>>Maquis's corpse back! DAMN! Well, Umriistin has got her equipment backnow,
>>much to the dismay of the other 40 of us who wanted to leave her clothedwith
>>corpse in the lava to rot (even the GMs wont do anything). She alone
>>what would have been an enjoyable event.
>>Anyway, this is just a warning to all u out there as to what this
>>is capable of. Whether u want to take heed to this or not is up to u. Im
>>in the mood to argue or debate about ethics and stuff. If u dont agree
>>me, so be it. If u do, just beware of this person. She hangs around bosses
>>and ninja loots them once the loot time is over. She has also been seen
>>around Solusek B and Cazic Thule recently. Oh and she does talk ALOT. Do
>>check out the /ooc in these areas and u will probably see her talking away
>>(she never stops!). She trains alot too.
>>One disgusted Lil Gnome
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