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Message ID: 2186
Date: Fri Aug 27 06:26:52 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Fw: [EQ_Innoruuk] Talshiar, Maquis and Umriistin (or something to that effect).

Shld fwd it to Wylven. Tat CB who once steal from me when my grp melee a
gob in HH pass (practising melee) is Voy. Anyway after tat I also 'steal'
(in name of helping her) back a kill from her, so kinda fair. But this
Maquis is another asshole in QHD, he steal even from own QHD member (Bram
is one of them who kena his shit, and if I'm not wrong, Maquis cause him
died at least once).

I saw Maquis's corpse in Najena. I heard he like to hide invis in boss
room and steal kills. For those who are camping, it's best if u can cast
see invis to watch out for this kinda bastard.

My personal opinion toward these pple, shld they died, let their corpse
rot, no need to help. It's a pity someone help Maquis to loot his corpse
from lava, otherwise it will be very shiok to see him naked again, hehe.


On Friday, 27 August, 1999 9:13 AM, Davis Tuea [SMTP:dtfp@...]
> From: "Davis Tuea" <dtfp@...>
> Read the below msg if this is who i think it is, (the CB DE wiz that
> kill steal from ZIltus), I feel so bad for Wyvlen.
> QHD name is tarnished by her. sigh
> Einan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Silvera tinkerbelle <eqcutie@...>
> To: EQ_Innoruuk@onelist.com <EQ_Innoruuk@onelist.com>
> Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 10:00 AM
> Subject: [EQ_Innoruuk] Talshiar, Maquis and Umriistin (or something to
> effect).
> >From: "Silvera tinkerbelle" <eqcutie@...>
> >
> >This is a general warning to all u hardy adventurers.
> >
> >This above mentioned person (who has changed name twice because she is
> >hated) is a known kill stealer and loot stealer. She is now a "hunted"
> >person by most of the high levels in the realm.
> >
> >She can be recognized by her new name Umriistin (or something like
> >She is the green eyed darkelf (the pretty one unforunately), wearing an
> >oracle robe, carrying a glowing stein and staff of writhing (same
> as
> >POD's staff). She is in role-playing mode and may or may not still be in
> the
> >guild <Qui'Hadom>(or however thats spelled). She is in the low level
> >
> >Why is she hunted by the high levels? Well, she tagged along on our
> >serverwide event of the slaying of Nagefen (40+ people involved). When
> >killed 2 of the 3 named level 52 bosses, she looted them immediately
> >the killing party's loot period was over (they were NO DROP items, and
> >group that killed it didnt have priority over the item). Whats more, she
> >didnt admit to it when asked "Who looted?". Even worse, when people SAW
> >loot the 2nd kill (the 1st one noone saw because we still had to deal
> 2
> >fire giants after killing the boss monster), she denied and said she was
> >"ducking", thats 2 different and obvious graphics from ducking and
> >Then she pushed the blame to Holyomen saying he looted. But Holyomen was
> >halfway across the room! So, Kelseferious was called in (after checking
> with
> >his supervisor) and low and behold... he did an inventory check and u
> >guessed it! It was in her inventory! He destroyed it and created a new
> >and gave it to its elected owner. We told her to leave after, but she
> >wouldnt (only dragon left at this time). She went invis and stood in the
> >corner. We couldnt do anything... so we went for nag... well, we failed
> >many died several times. During CR, our rogues actually found Maquis's
> >corpse in lava under nagafen! We were overjoyed! We did everyones CR but
> >hers, she deserved nothing less. Then we all gated out. Only leaving 2
> >people. One of them decided to take pity on her and actually managed to
> >Maquis's corpse back! DAMN! Well, Umriistin has got her equipment back
> >much to the dismay of the other 40 of us who wanted to leave her clothed
> >corpse in the lava to rot (even the GMs wont do anything). She alone
> spoiled
> >what would have been an enjoyable event.
> >
> >Anyway, this is just a warning to all u out there as to what this
> individual
> >is capable of. Whether u want to take heed to this or not is up to u. Im
> not
> >in the mood to argue or debate about ethics and stuff. If u dont agree
> >me, so be it. If u do, just beware of this person. She hangs around
> >and ninja loots them once the loot time is over. She has also been seen
> >around Solusek B and Cazic Thule recently. Oh and she does talk ALOT. Do
> >check out the /ooc in these areas and u will probably see her talking
> >(she never stops!). She trains alot too.
> >
> >Silvera
> >One disgusted Lil Gnome
> >
> >
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