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Message ID: 2198
Date: Fri Aug 27 12:18:05 BST 1999
Author: Tommy Fong
Subject: RE: Nicademous Where are you?????
>Below 29, NEVER ever try to take a clawpick guard SOLO, even if it con blueNo no no. You can solo the guard with your earth pet at lvl 28. I have done that and u
>to u. Stick in the outlook room and u shld be able to lvl fast. Once at lvl
>29 with 1 or 2 bubb (provision for death), u can start venturing to the
>war/rad room, with at least 2 tank and a healer off coz ;)
>Hey!!!! U really have to announce my death there? U need a loud speaker or
>Just to let u know the danger of war/rad room train. Last night FF and I
>was training 1st floor, we booked the guard corner. Later when go back
>from bank, someone train from war/rad room - 2 war, 2 rad, 1 outlook? FF
>die, I think, within 5 seconds coz he is the 1st to kena train.