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Message ID: 1826
Date: Tue Aug 17 04:05:30 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Discussion on group hunting events
> >> We always sway lah, either no death no loot, or a lot of death littleloots.
> >>No cash, pay simi? Better don't promise money to Garren, else if wedon't
> have enough money to pay, all our female characters, other than Aalekufor
> obvious reasons, are doom. He's a damn pimping Paladin for Tunare's sake!Hehe not pay full amt la, but at least show some nominal appreciation mah.
> >> Well, the last Rathetear hunt, we were quite puntual, if not for thehunt.
> freaking crash of NK. Generally, we are quite Punctual for day 1 of most
> Day 2 is a different affair altogether.This is really unavoidable 'sway'. FF and I kena EQ crash and have to
> >>Think we hot blooded youngsters as patient as you old mans ah? Webored, find
> something to do liao, heck care about you ;)Then what is the objective for the hunt? If we organised a camping event,
> >>To prevent this from happening, we should always have a non-meditatingclass
> aka monks, bards, rogues and warriors during a camp to look for spawn.Actually not necessary always, coz we can invis ourselves and med. If we
> >> Agree, but, the problem with us right now is that we are freakingTat's why I mentioned, categorise the hunting lvl. If it's a lvl 30 mob,
> disorganise. Most of the times, we have rojak groups, with huge level
> difference, due to lack of participation of other kakis.
> >> Prepare your group gate at all times loh, tanks gonna die, GG first,think
> later.My gate spell cost 300 mana. Wiz can be act as the last resort for
> >> Only 2 cents? So cheapskate? at least give S$2 lahBe humble ma, hehe.