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Message ID: 1825
Date: Tue Aug 17 04:05:53 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Any tips for Druid?
Any tips on power training a lvl 4 to 9 druid (already got full leather
armor, screaming mace, SBS, some stats jewelries and all lvl 1 to 9 scrolls
which I can buy from Kelethim druid guild)?
If anyone has a lvl 5 plus minus char in GF, wanna group to take bandit
camp (which I think the loot/xp is more justifiable for the mob toughness
as compare to orc camp)?
I will be playing this druid tonight, till latest tomorrow, when FF can
meet me to go back HH hunting.
p/s: Is it true that screaming mace effect only appear when the wearer is
at least lvl 10?