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Message ID: 1815
Date: Mon Aug 16 11:33:04 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Discussion on group hunting events
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>have enough money to pay, all our female characters, other than Aaleku for
> Hi all. After playing EQ for a month or so, I guess it's time for us to
> ponder abit on how we can play & enjoy EQ better, in term of adventuring,
> grouping, lvling or camping for artifacts.
>> 3 words: Get organise first
> I believe the local kakis are lvling pretty fast, some even managed to
> train 2 or more mid-lvl chars by now within the short period. This is most
> obvious when we take a look in QHD, where the local kakis lvl much faster
> than the other members (without stealing kills). H/w, I think there is
> still room for improvement, in all areas. In this msg, I will only be
> focusing on group(s) hunting, so as to get the BALLS start rolling (wait,
> YY kena scared by ya wife until ya balls drop again? hehehe).
>> K
> 1. Be realistic.
> So far, all the hunting events turn out to be a corpse looting session,
> which take up more than 50% of the hunt. IMGO (in my goon opinion), I
> think everyone has to be realistic. If we are going to camp for a lvl 20
> mob, and we know that in order to reach the mob, we need to go thru'
> several lvl 15 mobs, it's definitely inefficient to bring along any lvl 18
> or below kakis coz we will then be spending most of the time protecting the
> lower lvl kakis, if not helping him/her to loot corpse. For eg, to camp
> for Dvinn, a lvl 20 mob, it will be best to bring in a team of all lvl 20
> and above, so that we can concentrate our time camping for the mob, hunt it
> down and get out of the place FAST, since all other mobs will not attack u
> as they con green to us. (NB: This point exclude those hunting event
> which we are out to wipe and rule the whole place.)
>> We always sway lah, either no death no loot, or a lot of death little loots.
> 2. Be grateful to those who help, be considerate
> Everyone on the list is paying for the EQ monthly usage, the telephone fee,
> and many hrs of sleepless night playing the game. If a group of tanks of
> enuff lvl wish to hunt certain mob but need a high lvl caster to help
> nuking the mob, I think it's only fair if the low lvl tanks show their
> appreciation by offering some token to the high lvl who help. Just like
> the Staff of Observer hunt, I think it's only fair for Garren if we paid
> him some nominal amt for his time and service. Whether he wanna accept the
> token is another story, it's the thought that counts. Friend friend is one
> thing, but this friend thingy shldnt be abused. Can anyone imagine Garren
> get msg every now and then asking him to get stuffs for his friends?
> C'mon, not tat I'm calculative but we shld learn to appreciate helps from
> others, and be considerate at times ;)
>>No cash, pay simi? Better don't promise money to Garren, else if we don't
>freaking crash of NK. Generally, we are quite Punctual for day 1 of most hunt.
> 3. Most people don't PLAN to fail, but they fail to PLAN
> a. See the key word? PLAN PLAN PLAN! ;) Before any event, someone pls at
> least dig out some info of the artifact, quest or the mob dropping the item
> from the net - it's easily accessible.
>>K, k
> b. Be puntual. Ok I know this is hard, esp when we have students, working
> class, idling personal (ops sorry Garren, hehe) etc in the local community.
> That's why I always plan events on Fri/Sat night, where most pple are free
> and dun have to worry abt working the next day. Getting the relevant lvl
> players to participate in the event is also impt, so that no time is waste
> to fetch other pple. If u wanan participate in the event, at least arrange
> to meet those who know the assembly venue to bring u there, IN ADVANCED.
> Dun wait till last mintue than msg all say "I'm at xxx, can someone come
> to fetch me blah blah blah". If my UO members from all over the world can
> meet at certain time (some even wake up at 4am for guild meeting), I see no
> reason the local kakis cant make an effort to achieve it ;)
>> Well, the last Rathetear hunt, we were quite puntual, if not for the
>something to do liao, heck care about you ;)
> c. Be prepared. Nothing is more anoying than to see the following
> situation.
> A : Ah, everyone is so puntual today, let ROCK!
> B, C, D, E : Yeah yeah, let rock! WOWOWOWO!
> F : Sorry guys, no more food, drink and reagents, can someone spare me
> some, summon for me, OR gate me back to town purchasing, OR teleport to
> town and buy for me?
> "NAH!" *A, B, C, D, E all point their middle fingers to F's nose, mouse,
> earholes, assxxxx*
>>Don't worry, nothing like this has ever happen, and WON'T *flashes parang*
> 4.Patient, Effective, Efficient
> - Patient. If we set our mind to hunt Dvinn, then be patient to wait for
> it to spawn. Dun suga suga show off and hunt other mobs with one swing or
> one nuke. Yeah no doubt it's very facinating to show those newbies how
> powerful you are, but hey, why are you here in the first place? And when
> the mob spawn, you are either resting or OOM.
>>Think we hot blooded youngsters as patient as you old mans ah? We bored, find
>aka monks, bards, rogues and warriors during a camp to look for spawn.
> - Efficient. At places which is heavily camped, casting the 1st spell on
> the mob may mean you get it or not. Eg, when I camp in Ziltus Hill (hehe),
> group of lvl 20 casters wanna fight kill with me. When the trainer spawn,
> I'm always the 1st one to hit it with a spell that hurt it more than 50%,
> and the other casters r jus helping me to finish up the job. Do some
> timing (eg aviak guards take 6-7 min to spawn, pickclaw 13 min, trainer 16
> min etc), manage your time so that you can get fully med and rest b4 the
> spawn. You can chit chat and sing song, but when the spawn is near, you
> better stay alert and watch out for it.
>>To prevent this from happening, we should always have a non-meditating class
> - Effective. Sometime nuking with the most damaging spell is not always aof our spells are all or nothing kind like force shock. Also, damage ganna sai.
> sure-win situation. Eg, when a lvl 40 enchanter help her friend to get
> kills in Ziltus Hill, I think she is casting the most powerful nuking spell
> she has. H/w, I only using the 3rd most powerful spell I got to get all
> the kills. Wonder why? COZ...my 3rd most powerful spell, no doubt not as
> powerful as the lvl 40 enchanter, but it cast FASTER and hurt the train for
> more than 50% HP. So when the enchanter's spell hit the mob, she is just
> helping me to wipe the floor. Simple as it is ;) Nuking with the most
> powerful spell is not always the one who stand up with a wining smile - we
> have to "eat brain" sometimes, not "eat grass" ;)
>> Tell you once, going to tell you again. Enchanter can't nuke for shit! All
> 5. Get the RIGHT teamdisorganise. Most of the times, we have rojak groups, with huge level
> Get the right party for the hunt. For train-proned places like dungeons,
> dimiss the pet. For places with fast random spawns, get some tanks and at
> least a healer. For places where firepower mean sure-win (eg double or
> solo aviak guards), get some bombers with u. For places of unknown and
> danger, get a balance group. Having good team work is a good starting step
> to a successful hunting trip, but getting the wrong party combo may mean
> you r stepping on the wrong path. Eg when there is so many players crowded
> in the CB tower, one lvl 29 wiz will work better than a group of 3 lvl 30
> warriors. On the other hand, in Runnyeye, a lvl 29 paladin can last longer
> than a group of 3 lvl 30 wiz. See the light? ;)
>> Agree, but, the problem with us right now is that we are freaking
> I'm not the best player around, but merely rising some points which I think
> we have to ponder them in depth. No doubt it's sometime fun to have those
> "U DIE I DIE" kinda hunting, but in the long run, we shld work out
> something better and more enjoyable ;)
>> Prepare your group gate at all times loh, tanks gonna die, GG first, think
> Just my 2c.
>> Only 2 cents? So cheapskate? at least give S$2 lah
> Ziltus Planeswalker
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