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Message ID: 1814
Date: Mon Aug 16 11:20:45 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: SG guild formation, speed up part III

It is thereby agreed that Ziltus, Leshrec, Trifrost, Garren, Yiyang and
a certain "flat chested" bard will be officer for the SG guild. You
CAN'T deny your duty, unless 5 other person agree that you make a terok

Ziltus and Leshrec will be in charge of Erudin and Faydark area

Tri for Everfrost area when he return. In the mean time, my bard will be
taking charge of recruitment in this area and Qeynos.

Garren and YY will be in charge of recruitment in the FP area

Now on name. The last time, we agreed on Valiant Saint. By 12:00 am
tonight, if no one objects, this will be the final name our kaki guild.

Nomination for guildmaster, saboh away! If you thick skin want to
norminate yourself, also can. Those not in the official list and want to
be guildmaster or official, also can, just submit your name and let us

We must get this done by tomorrow, 8pm.

Guild charter, I volunteer to write it. Will be up by tonight if I can
resist logging into Cazic(Need lvl 50......) It might be more sappy than
Titanic, so please tahan, even if you can't stand it.

Guild guidelines: This is a temporary ver of our guidelines, add your

Currently, only one is agreed on. NO KILL STEALING OF ANY KIND!!! If we
come to knew that you have done such a thing, you will be suspended from
the guild for 2 weeks, to carry out investigation. This is a very severe
offence in my eyes.

Other stuffs:

A guild bank will be set up, and 2 goons will be put in charge of this.
I propose Einan and Kellendil to be incharge since they are quite "on"
and trustworthy.

How thiis bank work is like this: Each RL week. this 2 person, will go
around, collecting money from everyone in the guild, with the help of
the officer. The money will then be split evenly between the 2, and
stored in the regular EQ banks.

When anyone need to borrow money, the person is expected to send a mail
to the list, stating how much and why do they need to borrow this amount
of money.

The officer and guildmaster etc...... Will discuss this in game, and
when approve, the 2 treasurers will withdraw the money out, hand it to
the nearest official, and the official is expected to deliver the money
to the goon in need.

To prevent lamers from borrowing money and disband from the guild, the
bank is ONLY open to those that have join for over 2 months, or have
proven to be trusty(basically, all the kakis who join the list before
August are clear)


To join, one MUST be experience with the game. If they don't understand
what RTS, OOM, BBC, SBS, BIBS etc.... are, sorry, you cannot join yet.
Play the game a tad more.

Character must be of a decent lvl and has to complete a "fetching" quest
before being admitted. Items being fetch will vary with level.

Example, before a lvl 20 Necro can join, he/she must get a lightstone,
gator meet, netted gloves and a bronze long sword before being admitted.

Those who have completed the quest, and join the guild, will undergo a
probation period, where they will randomly be visit by an official, and
checked on. This may range from things like an officer, being invisible,
to see whether the recruit is stealing kills to an OOC statement, to
check other people opinion of the new recruit.

Quitting QHD:

Tonight, I will start the ball rolling, by speaking with Wylven(if he's
on) or send him an e-mail, reguarding us, quitting the guild. By friday
LATEST I expect all those, who are in there, to get out of it.

Time schedule:

Monday-Wednesday : Intensive planning of guild
Wednesday night: Me, 8 other goondus and the guildmaster will be
submitting request to create our guild(guild creation has change now, we
do not need to send e-mail, just need to go to chat channel to register)

Thursday-Friday: Rest leave QHD
Saturday: Ziltus' SOO camping session, may beg the GM to approve the
guild on Saturday, instead of Sunday morning 5-6 am since all of us are
sleeping at that time.