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Message ID: 1686
Date: Sun Aug 15 08:57:11 BST 1999
Author: Ken Yip
Subject: Re: WCS/RTS/JKS Hunt (Lake Rathetear)

me lvl 14 can come anot ah i need to get 1hb staff leh i use crack staff for
very long time liaoz

LKW wrote:

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> I'm organising a local kakis (NOT GUILD HUNT) casters hunt for the
> following LORE artifacts:
> - Water Crystal Staff (1HB)
> - Runed Totem Staff (2HB)
> - JK Skull (misc)
> (NB: LORE means you can only have ONE in ya backpack AND bank, ie each char
> can only have ONE, extra will be deleted by game)
> The looting priority is as follows:
> 1. Those who can USE the artifact(s) themselves AND are PHYSICALLY involved
> in the hunting.
> 2. Those who are PHYSICALLY involved in the hunting AND hunt it for their
> secondary char.
> 3. Those who are PHYSICALLY involved in the hunting AND hunt it for friend
> or cash.
> (NB: Since it's a lore item, you cannot ask someone who have the artifact
> to loot on your behalf. U can only ask someone to hunt on ya behalf
> PROVIDED they dun need one, as in #3).
> The dangers:
> 1. JK Skull & RTS r dropped by the gnolls (high sha and emi) at the zone
> entrance from SK to LR (during the day). The gnolls, gnoll guards and
> gnoll shamans lvl below 18 I think, but the shaman will heal the high sha
> and emi (both ard lvl 20) when we fight, even thou they themselves are con
> green to us and will not be involved in the fight. I think those below 15,
> when trying to walk thru the camp, will invite a train of 3+4+3=10 gnolls
> on you! ;)
> The camp will turn to undead ruins at night, where skeletons, greater
> mummies (lvl 23-24) and dry bones (lvl 24-25) will haunt the place. Again,
> any one below lvl 20 and walk pass the camp may invite a train of undeads
> ;)
> =>Our plan is to camp near zone and the high lvls will help to kill the
> mobs and ask those lower lvls to come in to loot. Of coz, in this case,
> priority will give to those who phyically involved in the fighting 1st ;)
> 2. Water Crystal Staff
> It's dropped by a OVERPOWERED lvl 24-26 aqua goblin called Webclaw. Webbie
> can found in serveral spots in LR. Its magical hit VERY HARD and is VERY
> AGRO in water, and thing get worse if we enagaed it in the water (we get
> disturbed more often when casting, and swim slower, if we lose, chances is
> that we will get killed and corpse sinks into the deep lake, then corpse
> seeking and looting session will start). After much investigation (I've
> been camping in LR from lvl 20 to 27), I will lead the team to the spawn
> spot of Webbie, which is the tower isle (extreme end from zone, that mean
> there is NO way to flee if we lose UNLESS we bind near zone, gate out and
> zone). The plan is to root Webbie (btw it also run VERY fast) the moment
> it spawn before it run towards shore. I've tried rooting Web in water (I
> know other spots it shows its face) but seem like a bug will make it
> disappear the moment it is rooted in water (I won't advise to melee it in
> water unless Garren is coming, coz it's not funny to search for ya corpse
> in the deep blue lake).
> There is 2 concerns regarding the danger for this hunt:
> a. To get to the tower isle, you have to swim across the whole lake.
> Danger arise when u meet some giant fresh sharks (bigger size than orge) ,
> frogloks, aqua goblin, water snakes, or worse, Webclaw itself and Froglok
> Prince (lvl 30 plus, very powerful, con red, and very very agro, out to
> kill EVERYTHING in lake). This problem can be overcome by taking a boat
> from gnoll camp to tower isle (but take much longer).
> b. The spawn spot for Webclaw, UNFORTUNATELY, is also the spawn spot of the
> Froglok Prince (lvl 30 plus, very powerful and agro) and a deep sea goblin
> pet (lvl 22 to 25 I think). With FF and me, it's no big deal taking Web,
> or even when the pet spawn at the same time. H/w, SUAY SUAY, if the Prince
> spawn during the fight or come to us, both of us will be the one to gate
> first, since we will have NO fight versus the Prince ;(
> This hunting trip is NOT for anyone below 4th circle (even if we buff u to
> full and guard u all time). Unlike the Guk hunt, it's VERY difficult to
> find ya corpse if u died in lake, and chances is that u will lose ya stuffs
> forever. To prevent wasting more than half of the time finding/looting
> corpses, this trip is STRICTLY for 4th & above circle chars (lvl 12 for
> casters, not sure for others) only. Frankly speaking I believe all kakis
> got at least a 4th circle chars, whether primarily or secondary chars.
> Just dun bring ya newbie char along pls.
> LAST NOTE: This is not a XP or $$$ hunting trip. There will be no hunting
> of aviak guards etc for xp and coins. It's a very task-specific trip - get
> the 3 artifacts for those who need them and get out of the place (I can
> gate to Fay, Tox, NK by then). Anyone who are impatient while waiting for
> the spawn and turn to hunt others will bear their own risk soloing it (lvl
> 20 to 22), coz we will not waste time and mana helping anyone to gain xp
> there. Webclaw spawn and run very fast from tower to shore, maybe within 5
> seconds or so, we can't afford to miss it, given that it's a rare spawn.
> PREPARATION: Everyone please get ready AT LEAST 40 foods, 40 drinks and 40
> of your spell reagients (if applicable). I'm trying to make it a sharp and
> sweet fruitful trip, so pls dun come to assembly area then asking for
> food/drink etc. FF can summon 20 bandages each for those who need (thx
> FF!) but I dun wanna see him wasting time summoning food/drinks unless we
> really took so long to camp for the stuffs (40 food/drinks can last me 10
> hrs hunt I think). FF and I can actually do all these by ourselves but we
> have decided to help all others (esp casters) to get also, so pls do
> everyone a favor by preparing yourself ;)
> BINDING: All casters will bind once they zone into LR. We then move on to
> arena (which many lamers invis inside and KOS whoever that zone in, it's
> the only binding zone in the region, sigh). FF and I will go in to scout
> the entrance to ensure it's cleared. We will then take turn to invis
> (guarding) and binding, asking the others to come in one by one. Once all
> binded, we then go back to gnoll camp and start the hunting. NO arguement
> on hunting at gnoll camp 1st then bind the non-casters, coz if anyone died,
> they will have to run few zones back to LR and it's a total WASTE of time.
> Make it an effective and efficient hunt pls!!!
> HUNT PHASE ONE: Below lvl 20 all sit at zone, above lvl 20s will move in
> to hunt. Once we got what we want, we continue to hunt and ask those at
> zone come in to loot.
> HUNT PHASE TWO: We will all move to tower isle. Once there, all lvl 25
> and above will stay at the mid way of the Webclaw running path, all INVIS.
> We will root and nuke the mob once it spawn and run towards water. The
> rest will sit further away to see show and prepare to loot ;) The lvl 25+
> will camp at a safe distant from the Prince spawn spot. If Prince spawn,
> just stay invis and let it run to water. When Web spawn, KILL IT! If
> Prince spawn when we fighting Webclaw, all GATE. Those who cannot gate -
> May God bless you ;)
> The hunt is scheduled on Friday night (14th August, S'pore/HK time)
> starting at 11pm (tentative plan is 3 hrs hunt), interested parties please
> meet at the Guard Tower at North Karana (just before the zone to SK, at the
> bridge). Those who dunno the way, pls find someone to bring you there. I
> personally will be opening a portal from Felwithe Gate at 10.50pm to NK,
> you can tag along my portal if you want ;)
> Ziltus Planeswalker
> Organizer, Mission WRJ (WCS/RTS/JKS)
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