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Message ID: 1681
Date: Thu Aug 12 06:43:21 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: WCS/RTS/JKS Hunt (Lake Rathetear)
I'm organising a local kakis (NOT GUILD HUNT) casters hunt for the
following LORE artifacts:
- Water Crystal Staff (1HB)
- Runed Totem Staff (2HB)
- JK Skull (misc)
(NB: LORE means you can only have ONE in ya backpack AND bank, ie each char
can only have ONE, extra will be deleted by game)
The looting priority is as follows:
1. Those who can USE the artifact(s) themselves AND are PHYSICALLY involved
in the hunting.
2. Those who are PHYSICALLY involved in the hunting AND hunt it for their
secondary char.
3. Those who are PHYSICALLY involved in the hunting AND hunt it for friend
or cash.
(NB: Since it's a lore item, you cannot ask someone who have the artifact
to loot on your behalf. U can only ask someone to hunt on ya behalf
PROVIDED they dun need one, as in #3).
The dangers:
1. JK Skull & RTS r dropped by the gnolls (high sha and emi) at the zone
entrance from SK to LR (during the day). The gnolls, gnoll guards and
gnoll shamans lvl below 18 I think, but the shaman will heal the high sha
and emi (both ard lvl 20) when we fight, even thou they themselves are con
green to us and will not be involved in the fight. I think those below 15,
when trying to walk thru the camp, will invite a train of 3+4+3=10 gnolls
on you! ;)
The camp will turn to undead ruins at night, where skeletons, greater
mummies (lvl 23-24) and dry bones (lvl 24-25) will haunt the place. Again,
any one below lvl 20 and walk pass the camp may invite a train of undeads
=>Our plan is to camp near zone and the high lvls will help to kill the
mobs and ask those lower lvls to come in to loot. Of coz, in this case,
priority will give to those who phyically involved in the fighting 1st ;)
2. Water Crystal Staff
It's dropped by a OVERPOWERED lvl 24-26 aqua goblin called Webclaw. Webbie
can found in serveral spots in LR. Its magical hit VERY HARD and is VERY
AGRO in water, and thing get worse if we enagaed it in the water (we get
disturbed more often when casting, and swim slower, if we lose, chances is
that we will get killed and corpse sinks into the deep lake, then corpse
seeking and looting session will start). After much investigation (I've
been camping in LR from lvl 20 to 27), I will lead the team to the spawn
spot of Webbie, which is the tower isle (extreme end from zone, that mean
there is NO way to flee if we lose UNLESS we bind near zone, gate out and
zone). The plan is to root Webbie (btw it also run VERY fast) the moment
it spawn before it run towards shore. I've tried rooting Web in water (I
know other spots it shows its face) but seem like a bug will make it
disappear the moment it is rooted in water (I won't advise to melee it in
water unless Garren is coming, coz it's not funny to search for ya corpse
in the deep blue lake).
There is 2 concerns regarding the danger for this hunt:
a. To get to the tower isle, you have to swim across the whole lake.
Danger arise when u meet some giant fresh sharks (bigger size than orge) ,
frogloks, aqua goblin, water snakes, or worse, Webclaw itself and Froglok
Prince (lvl 30 plus, very powerful, con red, and very very agro, out to
kill EVERYTHING in lake). This problem can be overcome by taking a boat
from gnoll camp to tower isle (but take much longer).
b. The spawn spot for Webclaw, UNFORTUNATELY, is also the spawn spot of the
Froglok Prince (lvl 30 plus, very powerful and agro) and a deep sea goblin
pet (lvl 22 to 25 I think). With FF and me, it's no big deal taking Web,
or even when the pet spawn at the same time. H/w, SUAY SUAY, if the Prince
spawn during the fight or come to us, both of us will be the one to gate
first, since we will have NO fight versus the Prince ;(
This hunting trip is NOT for anyone below 4th circle (even if we buff u to
full and guard u all time). Unlike the Guk hunt, it's VERY difficult to
find ya corpse if u died in lake, and chances is that u will lose ya stuffs
forever. To prevent wasting more than half of the time finding/looting
corpses, this trip is STRICTLY for 4th & above circle chars (lvl 12 for
casters, not sure for others) only. Frankly speaking I believe all kakis
got at least a 4th circle chars, whether primarily or secondary chars.
Just dun bring ya newbie char along pls.
LAST NOTE: This is not a XP or $$$ hunting trip. There will be no hunting
of aviak guards etc for xp and coins. It's a very task-specific trip - get
the 3 artifacts for those who need them and get out of the place (I can
gate to Fay, Tox, NK by then). Anyone who are impatient while waiting for
the spawn and turn to hunt others will bear their own risk soloing it (lvl
20 to 22), coz we will not waste time and mana helping anyone to gain xp
there. Webclaw spawn and run very fast from tower to shore, maybe within 5
seconds or so, we can't afford to miss it, given that it's a rare spawn.
PREPARATION: Everyone please get ready AT LEAST 40 foods, 40 drinks and 40
of your spell reagients (if applicable). I'm trying to make it a sharp and
sweet fruitful trip, so pls dun come to assembly area then asking for
food/drink etc. FF can summon 20 bandages each for those who need (thx
FF!) but I dun wanna see him wasting time summoning food/drinks unless we
really took so long to camp for the stuffs (40 food/drinks can last me 10
hrs hunt I think). FF and I can actually do all these by ourselves but we
have decided to help all others (esp casters) to get also, so pls do
everyone a favor by preparing yourself ;)
BINDING: All casters will bind once they zone into LR. We then move on to
arena (which many lamers invis inside and KOS whoever that zone in, it's
the only binding zone in the region, sigh). FF and I will go in to scout
the entrance to ensure it's cleared. We will then take turn to invis
(guarding) and binding, asking the others to come in one by one. Once all
binded, we then go back to gnoll camp and start the hunting. NO arguement
on hunting at gnoll camp 1st then bind the non-casters, coz if anyone died,
they will have to run few zones back to LR and it's a total WASTE of time.
Make it an effective and efficient hunt pls!!!
HUNT PHASE ONE: Below lvl 20 all sit at zone, above lvl 20s will move in
to hunt. Once we got what we want, we continue to hunt and ask those at
zone come in to loot.
HUNT PHASE TWO: We will all move to tower isle. Once there, all lvl 25
and above will stay at the mid way of the Webclaw running path, all INVIS.
We will root and nuke the mob once it spawn and run towards water. The
rest will sit further away to see show and prepare to loot ;) The lvl 25+
will camp at a safe distant from the Prince spawn spot. If Prince spawn,
just stay invis and let it run to water. When Web spawn, KILL IT! If
Prince spawn when we fighting Webclaw, all GATE. Those who cannot gate -
May God bless you ;)
The hunt is scheduled on Friday night (14th August, S'pore/HK time)
starting at 11pm (tentative plan is 3 hrs hunt), interested parties please
meet at the Guard Tower at North Karana (just before the zone to SK, at the
bridge). Those who dunno the way, pls find someone to bring you there. I
personally will be opening a portal from Felwithe Gate at 10.50pm to NK,
you can tag along my portal if you want ;)
Ziltus Planeswalker
Organizer, Mission WRJ (WCS/RTS/JKS)