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Message ID: 1657
Date: Wed Aug 11 02:52:43 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: Power Training Guide on Bind Wound
> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>be
> I beleive this skill caps at 250/255 like most skills.
> Im at 110 on blind wounds
> Sneak is caps at 113. period
> 24pp for 3 bags of bandages!!! u mad wiz, Gime that 24 pp and i'll have a
> magician summon u lotsa. Ya they disappear after u log ..but 24pp !!
> Yiyang of innoruuk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> To: '* Singapore EQ Mailing List' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Date: Friday, August 06, 1999 11:32 AM
> Subject: [sg-everquest] Power Training Guide on Bind Wound
> >From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> >
> >Just made Ziltus a master wound binder last night at skill 100. Every
> >bandaging will now heal around 50HP till the target is 50% HP. FYI
> >bandaging only work when ya health is below 50% (otherwise cleric will
> >out of job). Nevertheless it still great in reducing risk and downtimefor
> >all classes.my
> >
> >This skill is especially useful if u are a soloing non-healers, and it's
> >only source of healing when I soloing. From skill 0 to 100, I have usedup
> >less than 3 full bags of bandages (u may use up more due to ya INT). 124pp
> >bandage is 5sp plus, a roll of 20 is 1pp, 3 full bags is 24 rolls of
> >only. All u need is to spend 1 night, nuke yaself to below 50% and usethe
> >skill on yaself. For those who cannot nuke, u can try jumping off frompple
> >height and get yaself hurted (try wood elf city?).
> >
> >For me, I nuke myself in Felwithe (please do it in a quiet corner, or
> >start pointing u as a SM manic) and use the skill on myself. I do itfor 1
> >night, ard 2-3 hrs I think, and max it out to skill 100. Once I reach100,
> >I try to use another 2 rolls of bandage but it dun seem to rise anymore.strict
> > Anyone can enlighten me as to whether this skill use lvl ceiling or
> >100 cap? Thx.all
> >
> >
> >Ziltus
> >Master Smith, Master Medic, Master Swimmer, Master Brewer, Masters of
> >casting skills and Master in Specialization of Evoke.u
> >
> >P/s: For all the magi out there, there is NO reason for not maxing this
> >skills with ya summon bandages spell. For all others, be nice to magi,
> >can max out this skill FOC or at a much lower cost if u have a magi tohelp
> >u out. ;)a
> >
> >P/s: YY the SM manic can train this skill anywhere he want, since he is
> >well-known SM King liao. Probably he dun need since the bald heads gotgrouping,
> >their own self-healing skill at certain lvl. Bards also dun need since
> >they got healing song. But if u got extra 24pp to spend, no harm maxing
> >this skill (u can sing mana song and heal at same time, or sing and bind
> >wound to speed up the healing process). When training others w/o
> >at least u can use this skill to heal ya trainee and reduce hisdowntime.
> > Btw, rumor say if u group for healing and disband, u will still get thehow
> >group xp instead of solo xp, not sure if it's true.
> >
> >P/s: I wonder if a bald head wanna train this skill, yet he cant nuke
> >himself and wont get hurted when he jump from height (safe fall skill),
> >can he power train this skill? EQ shld allow players to crash theirballs
> >so tat the bald head, if need to play SM, can hurt themselves bysqueezing
> >their own balls, hahahahaha ;P
> >
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