First thing first, there is no intention to shift full-time to any RW
server YET, most of us are only playing part-time there ;) I got DE wiz on
both RW servers so far but havent started playing them yet. No time for my
Ziltus liao, how to spare time for other server? ;)
Btw, I use mana calculator and confirm at lvl 30, my mana (INT 107) is more
than 200 mana points lesser than a erudite wiz of max INT (and I think at
lvl 50 I will cast 2 less ice comet than other wiz, sigh). Very tempted to
start a new wiz char once Ziltus hit lvl 30 (Zil can help new char to get
item to make him start off, just like tat gu niang Fesse who start a lvl 1
cleric with full bronze plate, undead collor and lots of pp, hehe).
The prob with Eru wiz is his night blindness and how to get him to FP and
meet u guys. Can anyone tell me how to take boat from Eru city to Q city
and run to FP?
I guess I will get him a large light stone to start off with, preferably
with water crystal staff and JK skull, plus all useful circle 1 and 2
spells, ful clothes amor and some cheapo jewelries from Kellendil, hehe.
(quite easy to get from lvl 1 to 4 in a night, tried in Prexus b4).
Btw, with so many kakis making new chars, we better have another round of
roster list liao ;) Hey when is the next newbie hunt? ;)
Ziltus Planeswalker, lvl 28 High-elf Wiz (Master
Smith/Brewwe/Swimmer/Healer/Sense Direction/7 Casting skills/Spec Evoke)
Apathaz, lvl 1 Erudite Wiz (Potential Nuke King, hehe)
On Wednesday, 11 August, 1999 12:20 AM, Tan Lychin
raterak@...] wrote:
> From: "Tan Lychin" <raterak@...>
> Ehhh so who's in Vallon Zek right now? I never see any of you in leh...
> only me and ma 2 classmates
> You all gonna stay in the carebear server or waiting for 3rd race war
> server ar?
> If there is anyone playing in Vallon Zek, pls update this list
> Valon, level 7 Dark elf cleric (ma friend)
> Nael, level 8 Dark elf warrior (ma friend)
> Naplass, level 9 Dark elf wizard (that's me)
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