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Message ID: 1661
Date: Wed Aug 11 09:15:29 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Race war & New Char

Actually, I only transfer 2 items of plate to my cleric, all the others were
given to me FOC by some "chi ko" High Elfs and a Female High Elf Cleric I met
in Unrest.

Money all came from Lesh one, you think my gu niang bard that rich meh? Can get
full bronze for my cleric.

Anyway, night blindness is VERY severe for humans races in outdoors. Can't see
a damn thing even with the brightest object you have. That's why I never ever
fully played a human character in EQ. In dungeons, it is not so bad though.
When you create your new wiz, give me and Kell a tell. We help you PL with mes
and healing.

LKW wrote:

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> First thing first, there is no intention to shift full-time to any RW
> server YET, most of us are only playing part-time there ;) I got DE wiz on
> both RW servers so far but havent started playing them yet. No time for my
> Ziltus liao, how to spare time for other server? ;)
> Btw, I use mana calculator and confirm at lvl 30, my mana (INT 107) is more
> than 200 mana points lesser than a erudite wiz of max INT (and I think at
> lvl 50 I will cast 2 less ice comet than other wiz, sigh). Very tempted to
> start a new wiz char once Ziltus hit lvl 30 (Zil can help new char to get
> item to make him start off, just like tat gu niang Fesse who start a lvl 1
> cleric with full bronze plate, undead collor and lots of pp, hehe).
> The prob with Eru wiz is his night blindness and how to get him to FP and
> meet u guys. Can anyone tell me how to take boat from Eru city to Q city
> and run to FP?
> I guess I will get him a large light stone to start off with, preferably
> with water crystal staff and JK skull, plus all useful circle 1 and 2
> spells, ful clothes amor and some cheapo jewelries from Kellendil, hehe.
> (quite easy to get from lvl 1 to 4 in a night, tried in Prexus b4).
> Btw, with so many kakis making new chars, we better have another round of
> roster list liao ;) Hey when is the next newbie hunt? ;)
> Ziltus Planeswalker, lvl 28 High-elf Wiz (Master
> Smith/Brewwe/Swimmer/Healer/Sense Direction/7 Casting skills/Spec Evoke)
> Apathaz, lvl 1 Erudite Wiz (Potential Nuke King, hehe)
> On Wednesday, 11 August, 1999 12:20 AM, Tan Lychin
> [SMTP:raterak@...] wrote:
> > From: "Tan Lychin" <raterak@...>
> >
> >
> > Ehhh so who's in Vallon Zek right now? I never see any of you in leh...
> > only me and ma 2 classmates
> > You all gonna stay in the carebear server or waiting for 3rd race war
> > server ar?
> >
> > If there is anyone playing in Vallon Zek, pls update this list
> >
> > Valon, level 7 Dark elf cleric (ma friend)
> > Nael, level 8 Dark elf warrior (ma friend)
> > Naplass, level 9 Dark elf wizard (that's me)
> >
> >
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