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Message ID: 1658
Date: Wed Aug 11 03:05:35 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: SG Guild
> Okay, since the server is still down, despite me traveling half of
> S'pore for supper and took a taxi back, so stuff about the local SG
> community and EQ in general
> As we know, more and more kakis are getting unhappy about QHD, due to
> the sheer number of newbies, lamers and goons there.
> Now, for this again. The grand resurrection of the SG kakis guild!
> *starts to hear ppl groaning*
> Oi! All get a bit alive leh, and stop leaving the hall, or else!
> *flashes 2 dual-bladed dicoted katanas*
> Good, now sit down and listen. We currently got these problems:
> 1: Existing goons in QHD how???
> 2: Kakis not united leh, how???
> 3. Server getting conjested how???
> For 1, I suggest that if enough people here wishes to quit QHD and form
> a local guild, we all gather at the wizard spire in NK, and get Ling to
> teleport Wylven there, and we talk to him, face to face, about leaving.
> 2, We SG kakis are not really united as a whole. All run here run there,
> rarely got chance to meet each other, and on top of that. Only when they
> get drag, do we see them.
> 3. As all you people know, Innoruuk is getting very congested, and
> several places are made dangerous, due to the high level people, camping
> items for their friends. If a local guild is to be form, will be still
> be in Innoruuk, or change to a new server, and restart anew, with each
> kaki helping one another out from the start.
> Finally, I have to yell this out again. WHO THE FISH HAS FREE WEBSPACE
> I'm getting some web servers for reselling purpose and if this is not
> done soon, I'll keep one of the server, and we'll split up the
> maintanace fee of it.
> NOTE: This is NOT that big change I'm talking about. Just a minor step
> to getting more organise.
> Sereph wrote:
> > Expected. I wait for the server to kick me out(got a ton of summon
> > food and water, don't want to waste them) then went for supper with my
> > "SO".