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Message ID: 1094
Date: Fri Jul 9 02:57:16 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Casters' Stuff

On Thursday, 08 July, 1999 9:36 PM, Synzzz [SMTP:hannibal@...]
> Hi everyone,
> OK...i really wanna hear some info if anyone's kind enough :)

Reply as follows:

> 1. Is the RTS the best 2HB weapon one can get?? Or are there more? sounds
limited if it is... Any DMG stat?
No, best 2HB shld be staff of writhing? Give 11 dam and pretty cool stats
if I'm not wrong. RTS is the 'affordable' poor man kinda 2HB staff fo

> 2. Same again...FBR the best? or? Anyone can tell me the AC?
FBR is not best. Heard of the Metallic Silver something robe? Tat robe
give lots of stats and high AC. Best I've heard so far.

> 3. Hope someone can provide the prices for them...and location to buy? Or
have to be bought from PCs? Loot??
FBR is ard 100-400pp, RTS is between 10-30pp. The rest I'm not sure.

> 4. Gossamer and Woven robes and stuff....how much should i be willing to
pay for them? and which is better?
> Should i go ahead and get them?
I got Goss from Garren. A woven mask from Leshrec. Never buy any b4, but
heard mesh is better? Which is best for casters I'm not sure/