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Message ID: 1101
Date: Fri Jul 9 03:02:38 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Casters' Stuff

Yep, so far I got some of my stuffs from garren, leshrec & yy. When I get
better stuff, I pass down the old one to our own kakis instead of selling
it away. I think this kinda tradition must be maintained and established
further - all kakis help one another. Isn't it one of the main reasons we
all play in the same server? ;)

On Friday, 09 July, 1999 8:57 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> hiya zan,
> heres my advice... yes i have seen other mages use better staff than
RTS... but its much sort after by alot of mages as its not too difficult to
camp fer... also... i believe there r many more magical stuff hidden...
unkonwn... or will be introduce to the game at a later stage... DONT BUY
THEM... persoally i think.. the most impt thing is ya char... build up the
skills well... n u can be as good if u use rite strategies when in
combat... BUT if someone decides to give u those stuff... then thats
another story... hehehee :) *thanks again YY*...
> i believe with the sg community... we have a high chance of getting the
items we need... esp when theres only 1 of your type... so if someone else
have got someone u want... they will most likely give it (or loan it) to
u.... am i rite guys? i think there r a couple of sites u can have a look
at... they provide useful info... (email me for them if u want my EQ
> Nic
> A Happy DE Necro
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Synzzz
> To: SG-EverQuest
> Sent: Thursday, July 08, 1999 10:35 PM
> Subject: [sg-everquest] Casters' Stuff
> Hi everyone,
> OK...i really wanna hear some info if anyone's kind enough :)
> 1. Is the RTS the best 2HB weapon one can get?? Or are there more?
sounds limited if it is... Any DMG stat?
> 2. Same again...FBR the best? or? Anyone can tell me the AC?
> 3. Hope someone can provide the prices for them...and location to buy?
Or have to be bought from PCs? Loot??
> 4. Gossamer and Woven robes and stuff....how much should i be willing
to pay for them? and which is better?
> Should i go ahead and get them?
> That's it for now i guess =)
> Thanks for everything so far guys...gonna start brewing later i think!
> Zanderion
> lvl 11 going 12 magi
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