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Message ID: 1089
Date: Fri Jul 9 01:57:11 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Casters' Stuff

hiya zan,
heres my advice... yes i have seen other mages use better staff than RTS... but its much sort after by alot of mages as its not too difficult to camp fer... also... i believe there r many more magical stuff hidden... unkonwn... or will be introduce to the game at a later stage... DONT BUY THEM... persoally i think.. the most impt thing is ya char... build up the skills well... n u can be as good if u use rite strategies when in combat... BUT if someone decides to give u those stuff... then thats another story... hehehee :) *thanks again YY*...

i believe with the sg community... we have a high chance of getting the items we need... esp when theres only 1 of your type... so if someone else have got someone u want... they will most likely give it (or loan it) to u.... am i rite guys? i think there r a couple of sites u can have a look at... they provide useful info... (email me for them if u want my EQ bookmarks)...

A Happy DE Necro
----- Original Message -----
From: Synzzz
To: SG-EverQuest
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 1999 10:35 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Casters' Stuff

Hi everyone,

OK...i really wanna hear some info if anyone's kind enough :)

1. Is the RTS the best 2HB weapon one can get?? Or are there more? sounds limited if it is... Any DMG stat?

2. Same again...FBR the best? or? Anyone can tell me the AC?

3. Hope someone can provide the prices for them...and location to buy? Or have to be bought from PCs? Loot??

4. Gossamer and Woven robes and stuff....how much should i be willing to pay for them? and which is better?
Should i go ahead and get them?

That's it for now i guess =)
Thanks for everything so far guys...gonna start brewing later i think!

lvl 11 going 12 magi