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Message ID: 1001
Date: Tue Jul 6 11:23:33 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: Re: Solo'ing

It's very sad to see Trifrost changing sex, ops, I mean changing class,
hehe. I'll missed all the good old days of having free SOWing ;)

From my personal experience, my hardest days as a wiz is between lvl 6-11.
This is the time where our dd spell sux, our melee sux, we cant steal, we
cant block, we cant melee and has to live like a parasite begging everyone
to let us tag along, haha (loss count of how many times I spaming the zone
shouting for group and no one ever reply). After lvl 12, we start to pick
up some face with the more 'presentable' shock spell, and our market value
incease with lvl 16 lighing shock spell. I heard at lvl 20, we will start
to get our very 1st mana efficient 'mass dd' spell - force shiok, ops I
mean shock, hehe. Maybe Leshrec can elaborate more on this. ;)

I've been teaming with a magi and a bard since lvl 8 - Flyingfox and
Deadflower. DF's song has save our butts many times but he is now having
his hardest day finding a magical weap to attack mobs tat can only be
hurted by magic means. His melee is also lossing out when comparing with
paladin/shadowknight/warriors. For the past 2 night DF has died at least 2
times trying to tank in the group. Fox also start to face a hard time
losing kills to those wiz of similar lvl. According to Sereph, magi will
have a hard time getting their summoning spells from lvl 16 onwards, necro
from lvl 20+ and wiz from lvl 30+ onwards.

On the other hand I feel I'm playing at the peak of my wiz life so far, coz
with the shieldskin, invis and root, I have no problem travelling and
fighting a mob white or sometime yellow to me. Of coz, I still need a
group for long term survival, but I start to feel the joy of playing as a
wiz. I remember the days I whine alot of been a weakling wiz during newbie
time coz I've so much problem in both soloing and grouping - very often I'm
the first one who died in a group ;) Now I feel I have to ability to solo
at times when I cant find a good team to join. (Hopefully I dun have to
whine again at higher lvl, hehe).

I ever mentioned abt an articles I read on UOVault or UOSS abt soloing,
which the author ranking the race/class combo best for soloing in the
following order:
- Troll anything
- Wiz
- Shaman
- Dwarven Cleric
- Monk
He also mentioned monk, been the lowest in soloing order, will ultimately
become the easiest to solo above lvl 30. Dunno if this is still true, but
I just hope wiz remains to be a possible choice for soloing at high lvl.

Last night there is a big stealing party at HH. 90% of the participants
are pure casters, and melee chars all have to stand aside, hehe. Even
combining Ling (lvl 18 wiz), Fox (lvl 17 magi) and I, we only have a 50%
successful rate in getting a kill (well we are competing with lvl 20s
there). Frankly speaking if thing con't to stay on like tat, I would
rather hunt at oasis orc camp, thou the loot is much more lousy and
inconvenient due to the wulu wulu location.

Come to think of it, I dun think TF is taking too long lvling his shaman,
coz he has MIA for quite a while. If he find it too long, then he shld
compare me and Les - which I'm at one time 6 to 7 lvl lag behind him coz of
house shifting - dun forget Les is also training his necro while I only
focusing on 1 char.

No doubt a magi can solo well, coz he's like a provisional shop keeper with
most of the stuffs avilable at his summoning. H/w, I think we have to
consider 2 sides of soloing - roleplaying aspect and realplaying aspect.
As a magi, u can have all the supplies at a wave of ya hand, but when it
come to hunting and lvling, you still need somone to tank, someone to nuke
for u. A soloing magi will get no where at high lvl, coz wiz will steal
from u, tankers can last longer than u, and worse, half of ya XP goes to ya
pet! So I will consider magi a very good choice for roleplaying but not
REALplaying. I guess necro is a better choice for REALplaying, since they
can dot and drain hp (ie heal). Magi is next to enchanter when coming to
'group' caster. I've nothing against it, but hope TF can consider the l/t
implication instead of just current situation. Yes, the 1st lvl 8 I met in
Prexus is a magi and a necro, who guard the Kobold camp whole day with
their pets. But imagine like a place like HH pass, ya guarding pet only
provide a tank for those nukers - which they use ya pet to tank them while
they laughing behind, nuking and stealing ya kill.

EQ is a group game, personally I dun think any of the char I mentioned
above is a good soloing choice. At most they can only be a good PART-TIME
soloer, where u can still do a bit soloing when you dun feel like teaming
with others sometime (err who knows? some gals are in bad mood certain
time of the month, hehe).

At least we have a big pool of local kakis which we can rely and dependent
on, trusty worthy as well. I used to vioce out the loot order when I join
other groups as a newbie, but now I prefer free loot coz I knew I can trust
our own kakis to bahave themselves. With all of us under the same guild, I
dun think we will encounter much problem getting a descent group using the

As for the backward trick, it's not working for casters. Once we lose a
lvl, we lose the mana, which reduce our casting ability. Losing a lvl at
those critical lvl where we gain new spells will disable us to cast the new
spells, even if I've memo it (already try it, not on purpose but I always
seem to die the moment I gain the lvl to cast new spells, hehe).

I agreed with YY abt sometime we tends to slow down abit when grouping.
When I gain my last bubb of xp at lvl 18, I only need an hr, where I took
whole Sunday grouping with others to gain 4 bubb, and mind u, I'm playing
the 'legal' nuking for my last bubb of xp. The worse time-vs-xp rate is
when I team with DF (ok, just for elaborate purpose), I'm basically nuking
95% of the time while he stand nearby singing song. I won't blame him coz
it's really very diifficult for him to assist in kill the mobs. 1st most
of the mobs are red to him, 2nd he dun have a good weap. H/w, I still
enjoy sharing xp with him coz I enjoy his company. Of coz I can simply act
blur and solo, coz it dun really make much different for me, but DF has do
me a big favor during my newbie time and I really dun mind sharing my xp
with him. I think this is the other element which we will come across when
playing EQ - friendship.
DF ever to come all the way from Felwithe to escort me to get my corpse
from mino cave and lead me back to Felwithe during my 1st trip to
Steamfont. He was killed at lesser Faydark when we meet with a train of
orcs half way thru the journey. If u guys hunt with him often, u will
notice DF always LD at night, and given the fact that he almost logout that
night and change him mind after getting my seek help msg, I will never
forget his kindness. That's why until now I will try my very best to help
him, and hopefully contribute back to those who ever help me (Leshrec,
Garren, YY etc). OPs, side track more than YY liao, pai seh, hahaha.

YY, let organise a Paw/Permfrost trip tonight if HH is flooded with
stealers again? I'm the first one who is more than willing to follow. I've
been begging around for pple to bring me to Paw, heard too much of the
goodies there, yet fairly safe for group hunting. I propose we form 2
groups there -the higher lvls protect and help the lower lvls to get some
descent equipments.

Someone train a damn SOWer pls, hahahahahahah ;-?


On Tuesday, 06 July, 1999 4:58 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...]
> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> Today TriFrost just started a magician Char. He finds its takes too long
> Solo-Lvl at 16th for a Shaman. I dont blame him,casters will find it more
> diff to Solo when they get higer lvl. I have read that monks too will
> some diff. when monks reach 25th. it going to be tougher. Con' msg
> again to 2 types of Green, 3-4 types of Blue msg.
> EQ being a Group game will "force" player to be group and team. An "old"
> monk friend name "Chien" whom started off the same time as me is now a
> 36th monk. He been trying to avoid being "guilded" into a Guild. But now
> with the "Apo Knights" becos his regualr Kakis r in that Guild and I
> a slowed down on his lvling , my guess is that so he could "group" with
> buddies , partly also is get tougher to lvl as u go higer.
> the following parargrah is not about xp lvling is bout soloing and
> killin the nasties that u like to kill over and over again. 8-)
> I had tried a "back-ward" lvling trick(original idea) to hit nasties that
> cons Green to me at 19th lvl but r Blue at 18th. I max out melee skills
> 19th on the first bubble. Commited sucide and be killed 3-4 times and go
> back to 18th. I killed the "Blue" nasties easy since my melee is max at
> lvl. The purpose is obviously not for xp or lvls. It for easy money and
> kills. Now i've tried this on lvl 20th it didnt work too well since i got
> new skill, "Eagle strike" on this lvl. When i backward lvl. I "Lost" that
> new Skill, since "Eagle Strike" is not avaible for lvl 19.Ok i have side
> Tracked. sorri.
> Any suggestions to overcome some of the Soloing problem?
> Perhaps more informal expeditions and Gatherings need to be organise, not
> only for weekends but any other days. Need not be to new far away places.
> Some where need by with decent loot and decent xp. Whats imporatant is
> enjoyment.
> ANy one for Paw or Permfrost?
> Yiyang at FP
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