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Message ID: 1004
Date: Mon Jul 5 11:59:59 BST 1999
Author: Leshrec
Subject: Re: Solo'ing

Actually I feel our level 20 spell sucks when compared to magicians.. Let me
1. Force shock gets resisted 20-30% of time even on blue mobs.
2. Delay for force shock is SIGNIFICANT. Can't cast it again unlike our
other spells.
3. In regard to number 2, I have to use flame shock after that which only
does 110 damage. Adding to the first force shock, its only about 280 damage
IF force shock does not get resisted. I believe magicians can do about
250-260 damage with 2 of their level 20 spells and no delay like force
shock. Its also firebased so seldom gets resisted.
I'm not whining about anything, since I like my Tishan's clash which Stuns
opponent for about 5 seconds. Very useful for DVinn mobs which hit for 100+
damage in 2 seconds. I just feel uncomfortable that magicians are doing so
much damage on their DD spells and they get pets too ) Of course we get
travel spells so thats a Major Plus point for Wizards in my opinion.

-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Solo'ing

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>It's very sad to see Trifrost changing sex, ops, I mean changing class,
>hehe. I'll missed all the good old days of having free SOWing ;)
>>From my personal experience, my hardest days as a wiz is between lvl 6-11.
> This is the time where our dd spell sux, our melee sux, we cant steal, we
>cant block, we cant melee and has to live like a parasite begging everyone
>to let us tag along, haha (loss count of how many times I spaming the zone
>shouting for group and no one ever reply). After lvl 12, we start to pick
>up some face with the more 'presentable' shock spell, and our market value
>incease with lvl 16 lighing shock spell. I heard at lvl 20, we will start
>to get our very 1st mana efficient 'mass dd' spell - force shiok, ops I
>mean shock, hehe. Maybe Leshrec can elaborate more on this. ;)
>I've been teaming with a magi and a bard since lvl 8 - Flyingfox and
>Deadflower. DF's song has save our butts many times but he is now having
>his hardest day finding a magical weap to attack mobs tat can only be
>hurted by magic means. His melee is also lossing out when comparing with
>paladin/shadowknight/warriors. For the past 2 night DF has died at least 2
>times trying to tank in the group. Fox also start to face a hard time
>losing kills to those wiz of similar lvl. According to Sereph, magi will
>have a hard time getting their summoning spells from lvl 16 onwards, necro
>from lvl 20+ and wiz from lvl 30+ onwards.
>On the other hand I feel I'm playing at the peak of my wiz life so far, coz
>with the shieldskin, invis and root, I have no problem travelling and
>fighting a mob white or sometime yellow to me. Of coz, I still need a
>group for long term survival, but I start to feel the joy of playing as a
>wiz. I remember the days I whine alot of been a weakling wiz during newbie
>time coz I've so much problem in both soloing and grouping - very often I'm
>the first one who died in a group ;) Now I feel I have to ability to solo
>at times when I cant find a good team to join. (Hopefully I dun have to
>whine again at higher lvl, hehe).
>I ever mentioned abt an articles I read on UOVault or UOSS abt soloing,
>which the author ranking the race/class combo best for soloing in the
>following order:
>- Troll anything
>- Wiz
>- Shaman
>- Dwarven Cleric
>- Monk
>He also mentioned monk, been the lowest in soloing order, will ultimately
>become the easiest to solo above lvl 30. Dunno if this is still true, but
>I just hope wiz remains to be a possible choice for soloing at high lvl.
>Last night there is a big stealing party at HH. 90% of the participants
>are pure casters, and melee chars all have to stand aside, hehe. Even
>combining Ling (lvl 18 wiz), Fox (lvl 17 magi) and I, we only have a 50%
>successful rate in getting a kill (well we are competing with lvl 20s
>there). Frankly speaking if thing con't to stay on like tat, I would
>rather hunt at oasis orc camp, thou the loot is much more lousy and
>inconvenient due to the wulu wulu location.
>Come to think of it, I dun think TF is taking too long lvling his shaman,
>coz he has MIA for quite a while. If he find it too long, then he shld
>compare me and Les - which I'm at one time 6 to 7 lvl lag behind him coz of
>house shifting - dun forget Les is also training his necro while I only
>focusing on 1 char.
>No doubt a magi can solo well, coz he's like a provisional shop keeper with
>most of the stuffs avilable at his summoning. H/w, I think we have to
>consider 2 sides of soloing - roleplaying aspect and realplaying aspect.
>As a magi, u can have all the supplies at a wave of ya hand, but when it
>come to hunting and lvling, you still need somone to tank, someone to nuke
>for u. A soloing magi will get no where at high lvl, coz wiz will steal
>from u, tankers can last longer than u, and worse, half of ya XP goes to ya
>pet! So I will consider magi a very good choice for roleplaying but not
>REALplaying. I guess necro is a better choice for REALplaying, since they
>can dot and drain hp (ie heal). Magi is next to enchanter when coming to
>'group' caster. I've nothing against it, but hope TF can consider the l/t
>implication instead of just current situation. Yes, the 1st lvl 8 I met in
>Prexus is a magi and a necro, who guard the Kobold camp whole day with
>their pets. But imagine like a place like HH pass, ya guarding pet only
>provide a tank for those nukers - which they use ya pet to tank them while
>they laughing behind, nuking and stealing ya kill.
>EQ is a group game, personally I dun think any of the char I mentioned
>above is a good soloing choice. At most they can only be a good PART-TIME
>soloer, where u can still do a bit soloing when you dun feel like teaming
>with others sometime (err who knows? some gals are in bad mood certain
>time of the month, hehe).
>At least we have a big pool of local kakis which we can rely and dependent
>on, trusty worthy as well. I used to vioce out the loot order when I join
>other groups as a newbie, but now I prefer free loot coz I knew I can trust
>our own kakis to bahave themselves. With all of us under the same guild, I
>dun think we will encounter much problem getting a descent group using the
>As for the backward trick, it's not working for casters. Once we lose a
>lvl, we lose the mana, which reduce our casting ability. Losing a lvl at
>those critical lvl where we gain new spells will disable us to cast the new
>spells, even if I've memo it (already try it, not on purpose but I always
>seem to die the moment I gain the lvl to cast new spells, hehe).
>I agreed with YY abt sometime we tends to slow down abit when grouping.
> When I gain my last bubb of xp at lvl 18, I only need an hr, where I took
>whole Sunday grouping with others to gain 4 bubb, and mind u, I'm playing
>the 'legal' nuking for my last bubb of xp. The worse time-vs-xp rate is
>when I team with DF (ok, just for elaborate purpose), I'm basically nuking
>95% of the time while he stand nearby singing song. I won't blame him coz
>it's really very diifficult for him to assist in kill the mobs. 1st most
>of the mobs are red to him, 2nd he dun have a good weap. H/w, I still
>enjoy sharing xp with him coz I enjoy his company. Of coz I can simply act
>blur and solo, coz it dun really make much different for me, but DF has do
>me a big favor during my newbie time and I really dun mind sharing my xp
>with him. I think this is the other element which we will come across when
>playing EQ - friendship.
>DF ever to come all the way from Felwithe to escort me to get my corpse
>from mino cave and lead me back to Felwithe during my 1st trip to
>Steamfont. He was killed at lesser Faydark when we meet with a train of
>orcs half way thru the journey. If u guys hunt with him often, u will
>notice DF always LD at night, and given the fact that he almost logout that
>night and change him mind after getting my seek help msg, I will never
>forget his kindness. That's why until now I will try my very best to help
>him, and hopefully contribute back to those who ever help me (Leshrec,
>Garren, YY etc). OPs, side track more than YY liao, pai seh, hahaha.
>YY, let organise a Paw/Permfrost trip tonight if HH is flooded with
>stealers again? I'm the first one who is more than willing to follow. I've
>been begging around for pple to bring me to Paw, heard too much of the
>goodies there, yet fairly safe for group hunting. I propose we form 2
>groups there -the higher lvls protect and help the lower lvls to get some
>descent equipments.
>Someone train a damn SOWer pls, hahahahahahah ;-?
>On Tuesday, 06 July, 1999 4:58 PM, Alex [SMTP:leealex@...]
>> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
>> Today TriFrost just started a magician Char. He finds its takes too long
>> Solo-Lvl at 16th for a Shaman. I dont blame him,casters will find it more
>> diff to Solo when they get higer lvl. I have read that monks too will
>> some diff. when monks reach 25th. it going to be tougher. Con' msg
>> again to 2 types of Green, 3-4 types of Blue msg.
>> EQ being a Group game will "force" player to be group and team. An "old"
>> monk friend name "Chien" whom started off the same time as me is now a
>> 36th monk. He been trying to avoid being "guilded" into a Guild. But now
>> with the "Apo Knights" becos his regualr Kakis r in that Guild and I
>> a slowed down on his lvling , my guess is that so he could "group" with
>> buddies , partly also is get tougher to lvl as u go higer.
>> the following parargrah is not about xp lvling is bout soloing and
>> killin the nasties that u like to kill over and over again. 8-)
>> I had tried a "back-ward" lvling trick(original idea) to hit nasties that
>> cons Green to me at 19th lvl but r Blue at 18th. I max out melee skills
>> 19th on the first bubble. Commited sucide and be killed 3-4 times and go
>> back to 18th. I killed the "Blue" nasties easy since my melee is max at
>> lvl. The purpose is obviously not for xp or lvls. It for easy money and
>> kills. Now i've tried this on lvl 20th it didnt work too well since i got
>> new skill, "Eagle strike" on this lvl. When i backward lvl. I "Lost" that
>> new Skill, since "Eagle Strike" is not avaible for lvl 19.Ok i have side
>> Tracked. sorri.
>> Any suggestions to overcome some of the Soloing problem?
>> Perhaps more informal expeditions and Gatherings need to be organise, not
>> only for weekends but any other days. Need not be to new far away places.
>> Some where need by with decent loot and decent xp. Whats imporatant is
>> enjoyment.
>> ANy one for Paw or Permfrost?
>> Yiyang at FP
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