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Message ID: 999
Date: Tue Jul 6 09:58:13 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Solo'ing

Today TriFrost just started a magician Char. He finds its takes too long to
Solo-Lvl at 16th for a Shaman. I dont blame him,casters will find it more
diff to Solo when they get higer lvl. I have read that monks too will have
some diff. when monks reach 25th. it going to be tougher. Con' msg changes
again to 2 types of Green, 3-4 types of Blue msg.

EQ being a Group game will "force" player to be group and team. An "old" EQ
monk friend name "Chien" whom started off the same time as me is now a Lvl
36th monk. He been trying to avoid being "guilded" into a Guild. But now is
with the "Apo Knights" becos his regualr Kakis r in that Guild and I noticed
a slowed down on his lvling , my guess is that so he could "group" with his
buddies , partly also is get tougher to lvl as u go higer.

the following parargrah is not about xp lvling is bout soloing and enjoying
killin the nasties that u like to kill over and over again. 8-)
I had tried a "back-ward" lvling trick(original idea) to hit nasties that
cons Green to me at 19th lvl but r Blue at 18th. I max out melee skills at
19th on the first bubble. Commited sucide and be killed 3-4 times and go
back to 18th. I killed the "Blue" nasties easy since my melee is max at 19th
lvl. The purpose is obviously not for xp or lvls. It for easy money and
kills. Now i've tried this on lvl 20th it didnt work too well since i got a
new skill, "Eagle strike" on this lvl. When i backward lvl. I "Lost" that
new Skill, since "Eagle Strike" is not avaible for lvl 19.Ok i have side
Tracked. sorri.

Any suggestions to overcome some of the Soloing problem?
Perhaps more informal expeditions and Gatherings need to be organise, not
only for weekends but any other days. Need not be to new far away places.
Some where need by with decent loot and decent xp. Whats imporatant is the

ANy one for Paw or Permfrost?

Yiyang at FP