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Message ID: 976
Date: Mon Jul 5 05:12:13 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: Clarification on Stealing and justification

Ah, To each his own.

The following does not refer to ZIltus or anyone. Zil does raise an issue
for me to make my stand.
Bearing in mind that reputation supersede Lvling. I for one has left and
break off from groups at HH Pass becos of stealin and "Unfair" spliting of
Im much much more tolerant on Friends and Guild Members ( double Standard?)
Look. There R lotsa Orcs in HH pass and they do Spawn Fast. so i dont see
how ppl dont want to "share" kill. there r alway just one guy there that
will steal kill. Usally magic caster. The Copper trick works sometime and i
do used that on them. Or , the whole group could go to the tunnel and lets
all the orcs hit him hard.If there r more than one group, that be difficult

I personnlly do NOT want to Steal just so i can lvl. I will leave that spot
to pratice some other stuff (safefall, throwing or melee). And im VERY vocal
about steals there too. I'll use comments like "Thieves and Prostitutes" ,
Yes i offend ppl with my statement . It suppose too!If / When im invited in
a Group and one of a "Balcklisted" Stealer is there, I'll disband and not
join and Publicly announced why i did that. Im a Monk and i Rolepaly it
some of the time. So if the Char is Bad, neutral, good, etc,so i dont
expect a evil char to have good moral.
Personlly, It crazy to spend my Time and Money(isp charges) to "Fight" over
Orcs.I want to enjoy the game. Lvling is no Big deal :P
Hmm... maybe thats one of the reasons I lvl so slowly...I dont mind.

There were good times at HH pass when 2 groups cna agree and share turns on
kills, 6/6 or 10/10 orcs. After a good hunt there. I will OOC to praised and
Salute the other group Civil and High standard of conduct. I will mentioned
the name of the group leader and indiviual persons in the group. I believe
this could encourage ppl to have civility
and good behaviour.

Go ahead steal, and i'll go ahead to comment and critiize.
To each his own. ... and bear the consequences of bad reputations

Yiyang at Innorruk

-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, July 05, 1999 10:12 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Clarification on Stealing

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>I'm now based at HH, soloing. Downtime is long but get all the xp.
> Actually if wiz wanna play punk we can rise lvl pretty fast, by stealing
>(huh? Leshrec is rising lvl fast? well...errr..hehehehe). So far what I
>did is to attack the moment when the mob spawn, which normally draw the mob
>to me and turn to a melee + casting battle. This way is quite ok, but some
>pple at Ro still call me a stealer. They forget that my down time is so
>long (normally used up at least 80% of my mana and 1-2 bubb of my HP). For
>this kinda pple I normally scold back or use the ignore command on them.
> Those wizs in HH really "aim' nicely and start nuking when the mob hp drop
>by 30-40% (At one time I just sit next to them and observe how they hunt).
> Btw the time mob turn to them, the mob only left 10-20% HP. If I were to
>follow their style, I think I will lvl much faster, coz this method means
>they just nuke 2 times (hurt more than 50%) and let others finish their
>kill, and they got less down time and more loot. H/w, this method also
>spoil a wiz reputation and not very nice to do, so I choose the harder way.
> So for all the new comers out there, pls do not make noise if a wiz is
>using his body to tank and got a kill just becoz he kill faster then u.
> Make him frustrated he may change his mind and start "stealing" from u,
>hehe. If u wish to take turns to kill, pls ask when u enter a camp. Me
>personally quite bo chap if those high lvl players just step in and start
>hunting. My opinion is - if they just step in and hunt, they are trying to
>compete for kills, so no need to give way. I ever come across a necro from
>Higher Order of Arcane at lvl 16 (name is Malten), and he spam me for
>stealing his kill, simply becoz I nuke and his pet attack same time. Of
>coz, my nuking is far more damaging than his little pet, draw the mob to me
>and he spam all the way. So irritating that I use the ignore command on
>him, heheh. Btw, one of the big stealers at HH now is Senear, the lvl 17
>wiz, also from Higher Order of Arcane. He and another guildmate of his
>were nuking whole day at HH yesterday. They steal from groups of lvl
>18-20+ melee fighters. In the end the other groups all invite me to join
>theirs becoz they can see I only nuke and dun steal, and my nuking plus
>their melee can take back some kills.
>Last piece of advice, if u are camping at certain spot, and a wiz of lvl 16
>(below lvl 16 we still quite sux, hehe) and above is also camping there,
>either ask for rotation or move elsewhere. A wiz can steal from a melee
>char of 8-10 lvl above him. No joke. Even if you are are in a full house
>of melee chars of the same lvl as that wiz, the wiz can still steal, if he
>wants. So if the newcomers come across this kinda CB players, it's wiser
>to move on to another camp, coz it's only waste of time to stay there (u
>are helpnig him to kill only).
>Btw, even wiz can be quite guai lan at time, but IMHO the most seah-lan is
>high lvl enchanter. Not only they just hunt by charming mobs to kill
>themselves (ie hunt without even using their hands, heh). Make them
>frustrated they can train all the mobs on u, hehe.
>FYI, if u hunt around NRo, there is a PvP dwarf name Broughm who like to
>train SG to non-PvP players, I bet this is the only way he can kill those
>non-PvP players. Kinda sick minded - kill for the fun of killing. He
>train cutts to me twice, one time almost kill me and 2nd time killed
>himself, heh.
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