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Message ID: 975
Date: Mon Jul 5 04:36:06 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: S'pore Great Hunt-reply
>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>I heard the loot at Permafrost has improved since the last 1 or 2 patch?
> Paw is also reputatable for good loot and easy hunting ground for lvl 1+
>players. Anyone can show me the way from FP to Paw?
>Shld we make another Spore hunting trip to these 2 places, or any place
>which give xp to lvl 1+ and good loot for lvl 2+? Runnyeye is too tough
>for those below lvl 20 I think.
>On Friday, 02 July, 1999 10:07 PM, Sereph [SMTP:garford@...]
>> From: Sereph <garford@...>
>> Might as well go Permafrost, can get lagi more stuff to sell.
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