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Message ID: 905
Date: Tue Jun 29 16:22:32 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: Fw: New EQ Player from Singapore!! Come to think of it..is anyone even interested?
> Hi everyone, I'm one of the newest lousiest additions to EQ. And with
> advice from one or two chappies,I chose the Innoruuk Server to start
> and END my life. YES..END...cos I've died like 7-8 timesbringing my
> Magician up to level 5. Yep...had 2 days of leave to start my char
> building...hehehe...major addict potential here... Now that I've
> reached level 5..i still feel BROKE as always...think i only got
> 2plats 1 gp 1 slv 1 copperhahahahahaSomeone tell me..are those trade
> skills the only way to make money fast???Of course the only highest
> level beastie I've fought so far is the Orc Centurion at their campin
> Greater Faydark...so maybe that's why the cash is kinda tight? Any
> locals feel free to say hi or wave when you see me...I'd hope to see
> you guys too..esp. guyscloser to my level then we can groupie...er..i
> meant group...don't get wrong ideas hehehe Feel free to send some
> plats/gps to me!!! borrowed line from freddie aka
> Nicodem..uh...etc....Tips too!! Happy Slaying,Synzzz aka EQ nick
> Zanderion p.s I thought you had to have fantastical names!! Until i
> saw RICECOOKER????Man...i should have taken an easier nick