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Message ID: 904
Date: Tue Jun 29 15:47:33 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Fw: New EQ Player from Singapore!! Come to think of it..is anyone even interested?
Hi everyone,
I'm one of the newest lousiest additions to EQ. And with advice from one or two chappies,
I chose the Innoruuk Server to start and END my life. YES..END...cos I've died like 7-8 times
bringing my Magician up to level 5. Yep...had 2 days of leave to start my char building...
hehehe...major addict potential here...
Now that I've reached level 5..i still feel BROKE as always...think i only got 2plats 1 gp 1 slv 1 copper
Someone tell me..are those trade skills the only way to make money fast???
Of course the only highest level beastie I've fought so far is the Orc Centurion at their camp
in Greater Faydark...so maybe that's why the cash is kinda tight?
Any locals feel free to say hi or wave when you see me...I'd hope to see you guys too..esp. guys
closer to my level then we can groupie...er..i meant group...don't get wrong ideas hehehe
Feel free to send some plats/gps to me!!! borrowed line from freddie aka Nicodem..uh...etc....
Tips too!!
Happy Slaying,
Synzzz aka EQ nick Zanderion
p.s I thought you had to have fantastical names!! Until i saw RICECOOKER????
Man...i should have taken an easier nick