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Message ID: 886
Date: Mon Jun 28 05:39:06 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Dizziness n EQ...

im in the Dark Elf Newbie zone area lor... although i do wandered off the
line abit sometimes... since i have "Locate Corpse" and... i usually use a
"Find Undead" fer Decaying Skele and run towards em.... thats how i m
surviving now... if u happen to drop by... pass me those stuff leh... think
i badly need em.... die so damn often i cannot remember how many times...

p/s : there was once i ran into Lava Mountain or something...
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 1999 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Dizziness n EQ...

> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Play, PLay, PLAy, PLAY AND PLAY until the motion sickness cured by itself,
> hahahahah. Just like the disease in EQ, it will cure by itself. EQ
> spining is still not as bad as those REAL 1st person 3D arcade game. Go
> try Tribes and u will know wat I mean, hehe.
> I personally max out all my 6 out of my 7 magery skills in town everytime
> gain a lvl - ie mediating, chanelling, evoke, divine, alter and adjure.
> The only one left out is conjure coz wiz dun get scolls of this skill
> until later stage. I also try to max out my melee skills whenever
> possible, but when I reach lvl 13, melee skill is no longer useful. If I
> try to fight and cast, I will get disturbed pretty often and hp also
> reduced fast. I used root & nuke whenever possible. H/w, I met a lvl 18
> wiz last week, he ofter his help in using melee when I hunt derv
> saying that he still get very lttile xp in killing those derv but his main
> concern is to rise his melee skill. Seem that ya melee skill will rise
> even if u fight with something green to u, as long as u still gain xp from
> killing it (but u dun have to kill it to gain skill). Maybe at later
> when it's impractical to use ya melee for hunting, u can go ard helping
> lower lvl players to hunt and at the same time train ya melee?
> As for trading skill, I recommend brewing. It only take an initial
> investment of 5-8pp and can max out in 2 hrs or so. Even at my lvl I
> find the profit quite attractive. I can only earn around 10pp a night
> hunting at my lvl (4 hrs average) but brewing give me that profit (or
> in a hr time with max skill. Maybe u may wanna max out this skill when u
> earn enough pp at lvl 4 instead of buying scroll 1st. Afterall, once u
> the max brewing skill, u can easily earn back the money required to buy
> ya scrolls ;)
> Wait, Nicademous? I think I saw that name somewhere b4, or something
> similar? Where r u located now?
> Ziltus
> On Monday, June 28, 1999 10:27 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
> [SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
> > hey guys,
> > played my EQ last weekend (actually only on SAT)... and was a whole new
> nitemare... i re-started n re-started more than 3 times in total... in the
> end... i have finally learn the way to survive n handle everything... find
> my corpse.. etc... although still below level 4... but i m quite
> in the game now... EXCEPT that it goes me that DIZZY feelin after playing
> fer a long time... dont any of u guys get that? n i remember LKW said he
> got this prob also... HOW ON EARTH DID U MANAGED THAT NOW?
> >
> > ok... another thing... i am thinking of improving all my (or most)
> skills to max as possible... so i m thinking of fighting those thast ive
> upp hand over until i m no longer gaining exp then move on to the next...
> know that the exp gain will be slow... but this helps in building up the
> other skills... what do u guys think of it? also... is there any way to
> communicate with u guys ? i tried to do a "Tell" but alwiz end up with OUT
> OF SERVER message... sad huh? also... was thinking of picking up
> fishing... u think its a good trade skill? or should i pick up brewing
> u guys? pls advice...
> >
> > Fred aka Nicademous (finally got a name i like)
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> > SC Cheng, Freddy
> > Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> > NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> > 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> > Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> > Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> > Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> > Email : sccheng@...
> > << File: ATT00001.htm >> << File: Cheng, Shan Chieh.vcf >>
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