Play, PLay, PLAy, PLAY AND PLAY until the motion sickness cured by itself,
hahahahah. Just like the disease in EQ, it will cure by itself. EQ
spining is still not as bad as those REAL 1st person 3D arcade game. Go
try Tribes and u will know wat I mean, hehe.
I personally max out all my 6 out of my 7 magery skills in town everytime I
gain a lvl - ie mediating, chanelling, evoke, divine, alter and adjure.
The only one left out is conjure coz wiz dun get scolls of this skill
until later stage. I also try to max out my melee skills whenever
possible, but when I reach lvl 13, melee skill is no longer useful. If I
try to fight and cast, I will get disturbed pretty often and hp also
reduced fast. I used root & nuke whenever possible. H/w, I met a lvl 18
wiz last week, he ofter his help in using melee when I hunt derv cutthroat,
saying that he still get very lttile xp in killing those derv but his main
concern is to rise his melee skill. Seem that ya melee skill will rise
even if u fight with something green to u, as long as u still gain xp from
killing it (but u dun have to kill it to gain skill). Maybe at later stage
when it's impractical to use ya melee for hunting, u can go ard helping
lower lvl players to hunt and at the same time train ya melee?
As for trading skill, I recommend brewing. It only take an initial
investment of 5-8pp and can max out in 2 hrs or so. Even at my lvl I still
find the profit quite attractive. I can only earn around 10pp a night
hunting at my lvl (4 hrs average) but brewing give me that profit (or more)
in a hr time with max skill. Maybe u may wanna max out this skill when u
earn enough pp at lvl 4 instead of buying scroll 1st. Afterall, once u get
the max brewing skill, u can easily earn back the money required to buy all
ya scrolls ;)
Wait, Nicademous? I think I saw that name somewhere b4, or something
similar? Where r u located now?
On Monday, June 28, 1999 10:27 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
sccheng@...] wrote:
> hey guys,
> played my EQ last weekend (actually only on SAT)... and was a whole new
nitemare... i re-started n re-started more than 3 times in total... in the
end... i have finally learn the way to survive n handle everything... find
my corpse.. etc... although still below level 4... but i m quite confident
in the game now... EXCEPT that it goes me that DIZZY feelin after playing
fer a long time... dont any of u guys get that? n i remember LKW said he
got this prob also... HOW ON EARTH DID U MANAGED THAT NOW?
> ok... another thing... i am thinking of improving all my (or most) combat
skills to max as possible... so i m thinking of fighting those thast ive
upp hand over until i m no longer gaining exp then move on to the next... i
know that the exp gain will be slow... but this helps in building up the
other skills... what do u guys think of it? also... is there any way to
communicate with u guys ? i tried to do a "Tell" but alwiz end up with OUT
OF SERVER message... sad huh? also... was thinking of picking up
fishing... u think its a good trade skill? or should i pick up brewing like
u guys? pls advice...
> Fred aka Nicademous (finally got a name i like)
> SC Cheng, Freddy
> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
> Email : sccheng@...
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