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Message ID: 857
Date: Fri Jun 25 11:35:49 BST 1999
Author: Sereph
Subject: Re: A very sad story - Loot loot First !

So how did my guild suggestion go?

Anyway, imagine this:

Scenario: party consist of Garren, Yiyang, Sereph, Enteri's character, Ziltus
and Leshrec Place, Upper Guk, fighting to find Ghoulbane.

Yiyang: Finally killed the NPC, Garren, your turn to loot

*Enteri quickly loot the corpse, disband and run away"

Ziltus: Look, thief!!!

Garren: Camp so long, yet the weapon ganna stolen

Message appear on screen: Sereph has been removed from the party

Leshrec: What happen to Sereph?

Ziltus: Maybe his PC ganna overheated as usual?

*Sereph grabs trusty parang in RL, went downstairs and called up contacts.
Manage to find where Enteri stay*

Sereph: On the count of 3, I want you and you to remove the gate. You 3 ram open
the main door. You, follow me in and break into the bedroom. Do not touch him,
he's mine.

*Events started*

Sereph: Enteri, we warn you liao, steal loots and we'll chop you. What are your
last words to your penis?

Enteri: Wha, what are you doing in my house???

Sereph: Hold him

*Perform messy castrasion*

Sereph: If you call the corpse, I'll diao more zui over to humtum your whole

Morale of the story: People who steal loots will end up with shorter penis.

Enteri ganna saboh to be used as victim. Hee hee

Alex wrote:

> From: "Alex" <leealex@...>
> Ya, kaki people easy to trust, if kakis play play we all list him on the BAD
> BAD listing and get Sereph to parang toh him.
> LOL,
> Garren , Demitry and I was in HH Pass last nite, killed that named orc and
> we loot FAST. That was a good idea. Loot the corpse first talk later. We
> work out the split later among the group.
> Aiya, join guild helps alot too., some of u not in guild yet "tell''" garren
> or me.
> Pay us 100pp for membership, I take 80pp garren 20pp. and must go thru
> Parang ritual by Sereph and Enteri(their rewards r the spare parts :P )
> J/k..(but not about joining Guild).
> Yiyang
> Monk'eying at HH pass
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leshrec <leshrec@...>
> To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 9:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] A very sad story (and one that made me very
> pissed off)
> >From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>
> >
> >This happened to me too in Highhold. At the gnoll respawn, theres the
> famous
> >Polished Granite tomahawk which is VERY camped. As the guy was my friend, I
> >decided to help him get the tomahawk. We had a full group of six and when
> we
> >killed the named gnoll, a group member IMMEDIATELY looted the gnoll. Now,
> it
> >was very obvious that the gnoll was carrying a weapon, most likely the
> tommy
> >since he dosen't load anything else other then the shield, but that guy
> >played dumb and pretended he didn't understand english. As the group
> decided
> >on a alpha loot on the tommy, my friend was the first to get, but that dude
> >who stole the tommy just kept saying "No axe, shield only" And when my
> >friend asked for the shield since he should get the first loot, he said
> >"Shield no with me. In bank" But in the end he just ran away. To think we
> >had internal conflict as well as external conflict (A cleric named Kagana
> >kept bitching to my friend that she was bringing a druid which could help
> >her steal kill the gnoll. In the end when the gnoll spawned, they don't
> have
> >mana. lol.)
> >Anyways, I think we Singaporeans should group together OURSELF and only
> >trusted friends to do Equipment runs. Sucks to trust these assholes who
> >don't have any conscience at all.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Sereph <garford@...>
> >To: sg-everquest@onelist.com <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> >Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 8:24 PM
> >Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] A very sad story (and one that made me very
> >pissed off)