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Message ID: 850
Date: Fri Jun 25 05:48:40 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: A very sad story - Loot loot First !

Ya, kaki people easy to trust, if kakis play play we all list him on the BAD
BAD listing and get Sereph to parang toh him.
Garren , Demitry and I was in HH Pass last nite, killed that named orc and
we loot FAST. That was a good idea. Loot the corpse first talk later. We
work out the split later among the group.
Aiya, join guild helps alot too., some of u not in guild yet "tell''" garren
or me.
Pay us 100pp for membership, I take 80pp garren 20pp. and must go thru
Parang ritual by Sereph and Enteri(their rewards r the spare parts :P )
J/k..(but not about joining Guild).

Monk'eying at HH pass

-----Original Message-----
From: Leshrec <leshrec@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] A very sad story (and one that made me very
pissed off)

>From: "Leshrec" <leshrec@...>
>This happened to me too in Highhold. At the gnoll respawn, theres the
>Polished Granite tomahawk which is VERY camped. As the guy was my friend, I
>decided to help him get the tomahawk. We had a full group of six and when
>killed the named gnoll, a group member IMMEDIATELY looted the gnoll. Now,
>was very obvious that the gnoll was carrying a weapon, most likely the
>since he dosen't load anything else other then the shield, but that guy
>played dumb and pretended he didn't understand english. As the group
>on a alpha loot on the tommy, my friend was the first to get, but that dude
>who stole the tommy just kept saying "No axe, shield only" And when my
>friend asked for the shield since he should get the first loot, he said
>"Shield no with me. In bank" But in the end he just ran away. To think we
>had internal conflict as well as external conflict (A cleric named Kagana
>kept bitching to my friend that she was bringing a druid which could help
>her steal kill the gnoll. In the end when the gnoll spawned, they don't
>mana. lol.)
>Anyways, I think we Singaporeans should group together OURSELF and only
>trusted friends to do Equipment runs. Sucks to trust these assholes who
>don't have any conscience at all.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sereph <garford@...>
>To: sg-everquest@onelist.com <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
>Date: Thursday, June 24, 1999 8:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] A very sad story (and one that made me very
>pissed off)
>>From: Sereph <garford@...>
>>You know what I do to this kind of people?
>>Beguile powerful NPC. Issue pet command to attack idiot.
>>Cast nullify magic on NPC.
>>Cast memory blur on NPC.
>>Repeat the above steps on another NPC.
>>This is call a controlled train, very fun to use :)
>>LKW wrote:
>>> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>>> Is Phenix a human melee player? I remember teaming with a guy name
>>> and he is the KNN CCB PCB HGK who loot everything whenever he got the
>>> chance even thou we all agreed to do alpha loot b4 the hunt. I think
>>> are always bastards and looters everywhere, whether in UO or EQ. My
>>> is simple - steal kill from these bastards. These few days I've been
>>> hunting solo in Ro Derv Camp, and there are always 1-3 groups who
>>> at the same camp. As a weak wiz, I can easily used up my mana for every
>>> cutt I killed. Fine, so I will climb to the mountain and med,
>>> stand up and see what are the other guys doing. So far it's kinda
>>> that other parties will get at least 1 kills b4 I come down from the
>>> mountain with full mana, if not 2 kills per groups. Yet many players
>>> got the cheek to attack my kill. Simple right? It's so obvious to
>>> kills with just 2-3 groups, but there is forever cock-face who 'blur
>>> rush ahead and attacking the cutt. What I will just do is to wait, wait
>>> till they hurt the monster by 30-40%, then I start to nuke and steal the
>>> kill. Hehe, this is something I like most about wiz - nuking - swift as
>>> wind, hehe. And most of the time they will learn to share after the
>>> - sometime it's kinda surprised to see how these players suddently turn
>>> 'alert' and finally know whose's kill is the next spawn, LOL.
>>> Another occasion I was hunting with a ranger (both solo), a 3 men group
>>> come and ask to take turn to kill. Fine with me, no harm share abit.
>>> However, once the ranger and the group each take a kill, the group
>>> the 3rd monsters when I was abt to root&nuke! WTF??! I heck care and
>>> start nuking what is rightfully mine. Within 10 sec the cutt is down
>>> go and loot it. Guess wat? I receive a tell from a DE from the group
>>> saying something like this "WTF YOU IDIOT KILL STEALER, THAT KILL IS
>>> YOU DICK HEAD!!" Pardon me WTF? They just tool a kill and they shout
>>> me for stealing their kill? Hehe, so I start to quarrel with that guy
>>> realised that what he meant by 'sharing' in the first place is to let
>>> EVERYONE at the camp to take a kill! That mean - if it's a 6 men team,
>>> will have to wait for them to kill 6 times b4 I get mine, hehe. Kinda
>>> shocked, but can anyone on the list enlighten me - is this the way EQ
>>> kills? I myself so far join several groups but none practice this.
>>> I'm wrong but it really sound kinda funny to me ;)
>>> Ziltus
>>> On Thursday, June 24, 1999 5:44 PM, Gary Qui Hong Loong
>>> [SMTP:kanglun@...] wrote:
>>> > From: Gary Qui Hong Loong <kanglun@...>
>>> >
>>> > 2 days ago, I was at Befallen hunting for a BBC (which I don't
>>> > just wanna get one to sell of cash, I'm broke. Trust me, even when u
>>> > reach my lvl, u will still be struggling for $$$). The party consist
>>> > Garren (ie me), Ironbuket, Iyenya, Senorn and Phenix. We were lucky
>>> > the first Troll SK we killed had the BBC. That was the end of the good
>>> > part. Phenix then immediately stole the BBC and refuses to pass over
>>> > BBC to me (funny thing was that they agreed to do alpha loot and my
>>> > ended up as first. But I did said that the group can buy the BBC and
>>> > I'll spilt the cash with the group). And when he (ie Phenix) tried to
>>> > run out of Befallen, he died. Okie, that would have been end of story.
>>> > Guy looted group BBC and died on his way out, and loses his stuff.
>>> > we're kind hearted enough to help him to get his stuff back. Then his
>>> > friend Senorn was given permission to loot his corpse. Okie, letting
>>> > friend Senorn loot the Phenix is almost as good as losing the BBC.
>>> > are friends. But, dued to some lag and wierd shit, Senorn dropped his
>>> > SBH, and lost the BBC too. Now, Iyenya picked up the SBH. Okie, so we
>>> > gotten the SBH instead of the BBC, well it's better than nothing. But,
>>> > we didn't sell it. We held on to it and see who claim to lose his SBH.
>>> > Both Phenix and Senorn claimed to have dropped the SBH and both
>>> > that each other had the BBC. But, why did I choose to believe that
>>> > Phenix had stolen the BBC (the 2nd time and also con the SBH off
>>> > which is likely to belong to Senorn)? B'cos when I went down to Oasis
>>> > and asked 1 day later, ppl beside him said that he's holding a BBC. I
>>> > started to taunt him (PRICK was about the kindest thing I said about
>>> > him) and challenged him to a duel which Phenix refused. One thing I'm
>>> > saying is that I'll never ever want to be in a group with Phenix (who
>>> > stole the group BBC and stole/sold his friend Senorn SBH, which Senorn
>>> > (a warrior) had to sell off his armor to get another SBH). So if you
>>> > ever have to band with Phenix, think again.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> >
>>> > Gary Qui Hong Loong
>>> > Technical Support Executive
>>> > Pacific Internet Technical Support Department .
>>> > Pacific Internet Limited.
>>> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> > Pacific Surf : http://www.pacific.net.sg
>>> > Technical Support Helpline : 1800-8723330
>>> > Customer Support Helpline : 1800-8725055
>>> > 89 Science Park Drive
>>> > #04-09/12 The Rutherford
>>> > Singapore 118261
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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