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Message ID: 2215
Date: Mon Aug 30 00:20:20 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Something interesting...

walanz... how many char u gonna have before u decide to have one? if u so
damn free... start one in tribunal leh... hehe..

----- Original Message -----
From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, August 30, 1999 12:31 AM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Something interesting...

> From: Dexter Wong <dexterw@...>
> Saw someone asking in guild char abt how to go anon but still show the
> guild title...and then I saw this in a bard website so thought maybe U all
> might be interested...
> - A Role Playing switched has been added so that players
> identify other
> characters who wish to make known they are Role Playing.
> To activate the
> Role Playing switch, target your character and type
> "/roleplay", if the character
> is +PvP, the name tag above their head will appear as a
> darker shade of Red,
> whereas a non-PvP players name will appear purple. NOTE -
> There is
> currently a BUG with this switch. While in rp mode, you
> will appear as
> anonomous to anyone who does a /who on you. If guilded
> however, your guild
> title will still show.
> Neriss lv 10 shaman
> Arkana lv 10 Necromancer
> Galarion lv 11 Bard(currently my main char 3 days old)
> Arkana lv 13 Monk(in VZ)
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