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Message ID: 2212
Date: Sun Aug 29 16:31:36 BST 1999
Author: Dexter Wong
Subject: Something interesting...
Saw someone asking in guild char abt how to go anon but still show the
guild title...and then I saw this in a bard website so thought maybe U all
might be interested...
- A Role Playing switched has been added so that players may
identify other
characters who wish to make known they are Role Playing.
To activate the
Role Playing switch, target your character and type
"/roleplay", if the character
is +PvP, the name tag above their head will appear as a
darker shade of Red,
whereas a non-PvP players name will appear purple. NOTE -
There is
currently a BUG with this switch. While in rp mode, you
will appear as
anonomous to anyone who does a /who on you. If guilded
however, your guild
title will still show.
Neriss lv 10 shaman
Arkana lv 10 Necromancer
Galarion lv 11 Bard(currently my main char 3 days old)
Arkana lv 13 Monk(in VZ)