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Message ID: 2114
Date: Mon Aug 23 20:21:33 BST 1999
Author: Ebon Praetor
Subject: Re: Glowing Stein (Stein of Moggok) Quest info... loooong mail

Ahhh... today we managed to distribute the Glowing Stein to more
kakis who helped get one or more of the various crucial
components for the quest. Only Einan (as alternate soul Febon),
our bixie-killer expert, has not yet recieved his Stein. Anyone else
who helped, either by running miles and miles, or training mule
characters to be slaughtered for fish, or spending time and energy
hunting bixies, but has not received a Stein yet, please contact
ASAP... here's why...

Today is Tuesday liao... there is a high chance that a patch will be
forthcoming at 7 am PST (10 pm tonight). In this patch, there are
rumoured to be several changes that will be made to this quest.

Firstly, the Koalindl Fish will become NODROP, which means that
the PC who gets the fish MUST be the one going to Oggok to get
the Stein, and I'm certainly not going to risk Kellendil's faction in
Qeynos for it. Secondly, the Glowing Stein will become the Stein of
Moggok. (In fact, when I cast Identify, it says "Stein of Moggok"
already.) This is a 7dam 43 dly 1H blunt magical weapon that has
all the bonuses of the Glowing Stein. A really good weapon for
clerics and casters... *hint hint for Einan, come get it!!!*

We are running out of supplies, especially Fish and Erud's Tonic,
so anyone who wants one now has to come up with these 2 things.

Oh, BTW, Ziltus or Leshrec, can you please help with one more
FedEx job tomorrow? Need to fetch a fish from Einan's character,
Rendi, before the patch makes it useless.

And lastly, thanks guys, for all the help and co-ordination. Our
guild shall vanquish enemies by bonking them over the head with
our beer mugs!!!


Love is in the air...
Get me a gas mask, quick!!!


ICQ 1767778