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Message ID: 2113
Date: Mon Aug 23 17:48:02 BST 1999
Author: Diablo
Subject: Ogre Camp in West Karanas

Hi guys,

Yesterday and today, I went with Nolife our level 36 shaman and a druid , level 34 to hunt for some bone and chipped armour in WK. Yesterday, I got a batskull earring (+5 INT). Our druid got a chipped bone bracelet (AC5 +5 WIS) and nolife got a chipped bone collar (AC4 +10 MANA +10 HP), a turtleshell helm (ac5 +3str) for our druid and some bone leggings and bone armplates (gives Druids the "cool metal look" quoted from Nolife). And before I got there, I heard Nolife got 2 batskull earrings.

Today, I got another batskull earring, and 2 bone masks (ac3 +3 int), a few more bone armour parts and A LOT of turtleshell helms. I think each of us got about 2. However, we did not get any wis items today for Nolife. Pretty unlucky. But that place is awesome in terms of the loot though can get boring. You can occasionally catch the wandering Hill Giant, ask your druid to track for Yiz Pon or Tiny, or simply pull Froon or Choon the 2 cyclops at the cyclops camp just next to the ogre camp.

The layout of the camp is that there are 4 ogre guards, 2 ogre shaman/shamaness (1 of the spots can be occupied by a ogre priestess [very rare but has the very nice wis items like glowing bone collar (ac 5 +25 hp +25 mana) and the chipped bone bracelet]) and of course chief goonda. All of them can summon a pet, they have Spirit of Cheetah so dont expect to run away and they can HT up to 250hp(?). Furthermore, you must pull very carefully so only 1 comes after you the first time you pull and not the whole camp...

But after the spawn is broken down it is easy to mantain and just keep camping and pray hard the priestess will spawn.

Ogre guards - level 23+? (hits for around 50 max dmg)
Ogre shaman - level 28+?
Ogre priestess - level 28+?
Chief Goonda - level 34/35 (hits for 90 X 2)

All of them has all the nice shaman buffs so get nullify magic ready =) to remove all their buffs.

Tomorrow , gotta help Nolife again.

Level 40 Wizard

P/s. Those who are serious in starting a character in Prexus, me and Nolife can try to help you get equipment and give you enough cash to start off with all spells - decent equipment etc. (Not trying to pull people over from Innoruuk). On my part, I gave 3 med bronze parts to our bard Mobster and str rings, earrings and a turtleshell helm, a GZ to Hevan (aka Entreri) + full ringmail, a GZ to tamade (looking for his missing med bronze for him), LJ vest, 2 +3 wis earrings and 2 +2 wis rings, bloodforge hammer for our druid Kvalnir (trying to get glowing wooden crook). And the free taxi services. I am sure Nolife will help our fellow Singaporeans too...

SoulFire Sceenshot taken from EQVault http://www.eqvault.com