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Message ID: 2111
Date: Mon Aug 23 15:00:00 BST 1999
Author: Synzzz
Subject: Re: Named Teant


I'm just gonna give my 2 pps worth...(2pp is usual 4pp max loot on Treants
Hey Nic..i sold that Great Staff for 15pp! hehehehehe *snigger*

Seriously, i killed quite a good number(40 to 50?)of Treants with Nicademous
and another guy here and there..
get all the faction msgs...kill some gnolls (less than 10) kill another
20-30 treants and then go kill another
less than 10 gnolls (all at lake rathear). I was amiable with Qeynos guards
before and i wanted to check my faction
after all that treant killing...(Ziltus had me worried BIG time) hehe. Hey
thanks Ziltus for the advice and concern!

Guess what? Qeynos guards still con Amiable to me heehe..i even tested by
standing between 2 red conned (at lvl 25)
guards and they still wave at me (exaggerated) hehe. Ok my Deity is Karanas
(hehehe) in case it makes a difference..hmmm
So just let me say this..those who wanna take the risk..good xp and pretty
good loot for my lvl.
I am going to hunt treants again tonite if i can find ppl to group with
(small groups - no need tank as they are in big danger there due to AE
attacks of treants ..mages / necros /enchanters do best) ..i should make 26
tonite if things go as planned.

So i think perhaps repairing faction with qeynos guards might be possible
with killing gnolls but don't count on my word.
And don't blame me if you good races get KOS hehe...(hint: Kalandra hehe)

So hope to see some guys hunting treants soon..hehehe

Mage of the 25th Season

----- Original Message -----
From: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy <sccheng@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Named Teant

> From: "Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy" <sccheng@...>
> ziltus... im not surprised...
> when i was hunting treants with another necro (at level 25) a level 30+
> wizard (think 34) tried to steal kill from us whenever we start sending in
> the pets... so we decided to let him fight all she wnats ... (shes from
> Hoom Dai goddamnit MAQUIS!?!?!).... she cast... both treants start going
> her... then she starts running outta that area... ok... we thought she
> kite or something since she so damn high level... then we did some ooc
> her kill stealing... she ooc back... hehe... after awhile... we see that 2
> treant walking back to home point... lol... both.. she didnt even kill one
> of em... both of em ... AND THESE ARE NOT EVEN THE NAMED TREANTS....
> bcos treants cast spells at u i suppse ... especially those nasty AOE
> spells....
> thats all i know....
> Nicademous
> p/s : ask Zanderion how many treants he killed yesterday nite... hehee...
> p/ss : for the first time i have to dump silver coins to keep my weight
> :)))))))
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <leekw13@...>
> To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
> Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 10:34 AM
> Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Named Teant
> > From: leekw13@...
> >
> > The named Teant con blue to me at lvl 29, and kick my ass ;(
> >
> > Both of u may have better chance. Like I say, I nuke it for 800-1000
> but it still alive. It cast DoT and hit very hard. If u can stand him
> hiting u like 50-60 dam per hit, and got confident to survive it's DoT and
> nuke it 1200 dam, I think u 2 can get it.
> >
> > It's a very rare spawn, need a ranger to track it. I go SK so many
> and only see once, when I'm not prepared at all ;(
> >
> >
> >
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