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Message ID: 2091
Date: Mon Aug 23 04:21:23 BST 1999
Author: Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
Subject: Re: Named Teant

ziltus... im not surprised...
when i was hunting treants with another necro (at level 25) a level 30+
wizard (think 34) tried to steal kill from us whenever we start sending in
the pets... so we decided to let him fight all she wnats ... (shes from Qui
Hoom Dai goddamnit MAQUIS!?!?!).... she cast... both treants start going to
her... then she starts running outta that area... ok... we thought she will
kite or something since she so damn high level... then we did some ooc about
her kill stealing... she ooc back... hehe... after awhile... we see that 2
treant walking back to home point... lol... both.. she didnt even kill one
of em... both of em ... AND THESE ARE NOT EVEN THE NAMED TREANTS.... mainly
bcos treants cast spells at u i suppse ... especially those nasty AOE

thats all i know....
p/s : ask Zanderion how many treants he killed yesterday nite... hehee...
p/ss : for the first time i have to dump silver coins to keep my weight down

----- Original Message -----
From: <leekw13@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Named Teant

> From: leekw13@...
> The named Teant con blue to me at lvl 29, and kick my ass ;(
> Both of u may have better chance. Like I say, I nuke it for 800-1000 dam
but it still alive. It cast DoT and hit very hard. If u can stand him
hiting u like 50-60 dam per hit, and got confident to survive it's DoT and
nuke it 1200 dam, I think u 2 can get it.
> It's a very rare spawn, need a ranger to track it. I go SK so many times
and only see once, when I'm not prepared at all ;(
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