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Message ID: 2107
Date: Mon Aug 23 13:24:24 BST 1999
Author: Alex
Subject: Re: some little trick

Ah thx,

should try that trick

Yiyang of Innorruuk
at SK
-----Original Message-----
From: Lim choong Ee <choongee@...>
To: <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Monday, August 23, 1999 5:23 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] some little trick

>From: Lim choong Ee <choongee@...>
>dunno anyone know yet
>but to all those who do not know
>had some magician summon u a moonstone n put in ammo slot
>will give u unlimit ultravision, problem is if u log off it go puff
>here's the trick, Verent had fix such that when ever they found
>that u went LD and log, it will not make your summon stuff puff
>so when ever u want to log off , do not use camping or quit or exit
>just go to one save zone n off the modem will do, this way
>i get to had all the summon pouch which great for wieght reduce plus
>moonstone that gave unlimit ultravision
>the sword of the ruin and the dagger from high magicain is also pretty
>cool if you r low level and cannot get some high level weapon
>they r better then the combined.
> ___
>(~._.~) Lim Choong Ee
>(( Y )) Assistant Engineer
>()~*~() 100 Eunos Ave 7, Singapore 409572
>(_)-(_) Tel: (65)7476666-362 Fax: (65)7416066
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