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Message ID: 2103
Date: Mon Aug 23 10:27:05 BST 1999
Author: Lim choong Ee
Subject: some little trick

dunno anyone know yet
but to all those who do not know
had some magician summon u a moonstone n put in ammo slot
will give u unlimit ultravision, problem is if u log off it go puff
here's the trick, Verent had fix such that when ever they found
that u went LD and log, it will not make your summon stuff puff
so when ever u want to log off , do not use camping or quit or exit
just go to one save zone n off the modem will do, this way
i get to had all the summon pouch which great for wieght reduce plus
moonstone that gave unlimit ultravision
the sword of the ruin and the dagger from high magicain is also pretty
cool if you r low level and cannot get some high level weapon
they r better then the combined.

(~._.~) Lim Choong Ee
(( Y )) Assistant Engineer
()~*~() 100 Eunos Ave 7, Singapore 409572
(_)-(_) Tel: (65)7476666-362 Fax: (65)7416066