This quest spreads all over Norrath, so be prepared to do some traveling. A
Bartendor in Ogguk by the name of Clurg can be found in the Bar near the
bank. Clurg has lost his Bartenders Compendium. The Bartenders Compendium is
currently in the hands of a Bartender in East Freeport, by the name of
Gregor. (his bar is right next to the docks). Gregor is trying to make a
special drink of some kind that he has found in the Bartenders Compendium,
but he is missing the ingredients. The ingredients he needs are as follows:
1) "Kiola Nut" from the island of Erollisi
2) "Erud's Tonic" from Erudian
3) "Honey Jum" from Rivervale
4) "Koalindl Fish" from the lake in the Temple of Life in Qeynos.
Return these items to Gregor in East Freeport and he will give you the
Bartender's Compendium. Take the Compendium to Clurg and he will give you
the Glowing Stein for your troubles. Now for the step by step process.
1) Create a new character, preferably an erudian enchanter.. they have good
faction and get a pet right off the bat.
2) Twink this guy with about 20pp.
3) Have him purchase his first lvl pet spell, 10 tiny daggers, and a
4) Have him go to the Blue Hawk's Inn in Erudin and buy an Innoruk's Kiss of
Death (LORE ITEM) from Geord BlueHawk. Take the Kiss of Death to Sinnkin
Highbrow at the top of the Library in Erudin, and she will give you Erud's
5) Take him back to the bank and put everything you own in there, except
your dagger your food and your tiny daggers... you don't want to carry
anything because you can die very easily during your travels and getting
your corpse back is a serious pain.
6) Take the boat to Qeynos.
7) Get a bind just outside the front gates to Qeynos.
8) Head back into Qeynos and find the Temple of Life, in North Qeynos.. this
is the building that looks like a space ship hovering over a pond.
9) Summon your pet and jump in the pond.
10) There's lots of the Koalindl fish swimming around, so take one out.. if
you die.. no biggie, come back and try again.
11) When you've killed it, you'll take a HUGE faction hit.. so loot his
corpse and get a Koalindl fish (LORE ITEM).
12) NOW RUN!! make a break for the Qeynos Gates.. The guards will most
likely kill you on your way.
13) Well you probably died.. but hopefully you ran fast enough to get at
least a bit away from that pond.
14) Go back and pick your corpse for the Koalindl fish, and the rest of your
15) Head back to the bank and drop EVERYTHING, you're in for a very long
trip. Unless you have a friendly wizard friend *wink wink* that can help you
at this point.
16) Make your way to Rivervale.. The way I did this is I traveled from
Qeynos to Qeynos hills, to West Karanas, to North Karanas, to Beholder, to
Runnyeye, to Misty Thicket, to Rivervale.. to get through Runnyeye, just hug
the left wall and sprint like mad.. it should only take you 5 seconds to
reach the zone to Misty Thicket. From Misty Thicket to Rivervale, just hug
the right wall, be carefull not to get killed by the orcs.. there will be a
big wall in the middle of the zone with a gate in the center.. if you can
get to this gate, you just follow the path in front of you straight to the
hole on the East side of the zone.. that's Rivervale.
17) When you get here, get a bind as soon as possible, and pick up about
7pp. If this wasn't your first time making this trip at such a low lvl, then
you understand why. If not then you will by this point.
18) Go back out to Misty thicket and turn left, hugging the wall. You'll
come across a small hut, where a male and a female halfling are. The womans
name is Lil Honeybugger.. she'll tell you about a girl named Mintopp(sp?)
who has a honey jum recipe, but she needs Honeycomb to make it.
19) Exit this little hut, and go North.. the North side of Misty thicket is
covered with Honey combs.. and you should be able to find some.. of course
your pretty low lvl at this time and it can be quite a pain.. so just
auction offering 1pp for 3 honeycombs.. that will get you a response real
20) After you get the honeycombs head back to Rivervale. Take your
honeycombs to the Herb Jar.. (the herb jar is a store located right next to
the Fools gold, a circular bar right next to the bank.. the herb jar is not
labeled, so you have to look around a bit. The owner of the Herb jar is a
halfling woman by the name of Mintopp(sp?).
21) Give the three Honeycombs and 5gp to Mintopp and she will give you the
Honey Jum.
22) Go back to the bank and drop off your cash, and the Honey Jum, and
anything else you have on you.
23) Exit Rivervale, don't go through the exit back to Misty Thicket, this
time find the exit to Kithikor Forest.
24) Take Kithikor forest to West commons, to East Commons, to Freeport.
25) Go to the bank and pick up some cash.. a couple plat will do it I think,
but bring what you have, because you have to take the boat next and you want
to do that only once.
26) Go the boat doc's in East Freeport and catch the boat to Faydwer.. but
get off the boat on the first stop you make in Ocean of Tears. This is the
Island of Errolsi.
27) Immediately in front of the docks is a group of huts. Go to the one that
is right in front of the docs and there should be a elven woman behind a
bar, she will sell you the Kiola nut.
28) If your quick, you can buy the nut and still make it back to the boat
before it leaves.. if not wait for the boat to come back.
29) Stay on the boat until you get back to Freeport.
30) Go back to the bank and put all 4 items you've obtained into your
backpack, and drop all your other stuff off.
31) Here's where it gets difficult :-) If you like, you could take this
enchanter all the way to lvl 12 I believe, and do this part yourself.. but
since that would take forever, especially since you'll probably destroy him
when your done... don't bother.
32) Find an Enchanter that you can trust.. now this Enchanter must have a
few things... he must be good, or have an illusion spell to look like he's
good.. he must have the Alliance spell, and he must be evil or have and
Illusion spell to look like he's evil. I had a Dark Elf do this who was lvl
16 or so and it worked just fine. Having a Good race do it would be a little
more difficult but it would work. But remember... You HAVE TO TRUST THIS
PERSON! He will be the one with your Glowing Stein in the end and you do
want him to give it to you.
33) Now... Have this Enchanter meet your Erudite at the docks in Freeport..
if your Enchanter is evil, he can enter Freeport from North Ro and follow
the wall, go through the hidden entrance, hug the left wall until he sees
two people standing in the tunnel, go up the stairs (not through the door
where the people are standing) go through the door on the right, run up
those stairs to the top, go throught the hidden exit at the top of these
stairs, go around the barrels up another set of stairs, around the corner
and through the door.. from there he should be able to see the docks.
34) Give your Enchanter friend the backpack with the goodies.
35) The Enchanter should cast Illusion Human on himself (unless he is a good
race) and enter the bar where Gregor is, your Erudite should sit back and
36) Inside, the Enchanter will see a ragtag group of warriors all decked out
in full plate.. if the Enchanter is evil, he needs to do this next step
correctly or those plate wearing guys will kick his arse.
37) Have the Enchanter cast Alliance on the bartender.
38) Then have him give the bartender all 4 of the item's you've gained.
39) The bartender will give him the Bartender's Compendium (LORE ITEM, NO
DROP) if it was done successfully... if he was evil and did it incorrectly,
then the plate people will run around the bar and mop the floor with him..
these plate guys are all VERY HIGH LVL! They con red to me at 34.. and I saw
a group of 40's getting run out of the bar when they tried to do this quest
40) OK, now you have the book.. Log off and destroy that Erudian, you
probably hate him by now, and get the character you want to have the stein.
41) Have the Enchanter meet you in Feerott, trust me.. don't gate to Cazic
Thule for this part.. it's not a good idea.. instead you should walk, or if
your reading this ahead of time, both of you should bind yourselves near
Feerott ahead of time.
42) Have the Enchanter enter, If your evil then you can go with him..
otherwise, wait for him to come back.
43) Have the Enchanter go to the bar near the bank.. If he's a good
alignment then he should cast Illusion Dark Elf on himself... there he will
find Clurg.
44) Have the Enchanter cast Alliance on Clurg and then give Clurg the
Bartender's Compendium.
45) If done correctly he will receive your glowing stein (LORE ITEM) Now
convince the enchanter to give you the stein and it's all yours!
----- Original Message -----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 1999 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: [sg-everquest] URGENT!!!! Major change to Stein quest
> From: LKW <leekw13@...>
> Since it's a throwaway char, I will make a human wiz (always wanna test
> fast a human can lvl up). Based on my gnome wiz and woodelf druid
> experience, one can hit lvl 4 easily in one night training of 3-4hrs at
> most.
> So where are we having this newbies bashing? How abt this coming Mon?
> Everyone make a human char in Qeynos and start hunting fishes?
> Hahahahahah ;)
> Seem like we have lots of intereting activities, hehe.
> Ziltus
> On Friday, 20 August, 1999 2:46 PM, Ebon Praetor
> wrote:
> > From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> >
> > I have just read on EQ Enchanters that the Koalindl fish corpse is
> > now a NODROP item on the test servers!
> >
> > This means that anyone who wants to complete the quest MUST
> > take the major faction hits that come with killing the fish! Now that
> > it is NODROP, no more mule character to take faction hits then
> > transfer to your main character...
> >
> > A bit of back ground about the fish... when you kill it, Qeynos
> > Inhabitants, Barbarians, even RODCET NIFE himself, not just his
> > clerics, drop faction with you, and because the corpse doesn't
> > always load, this means that you might have to kill it several times,
> > and will quickly become KOS to these factions. (Maybe Rodcet will
> > throw down lightning bolt to strike thee down? *heh*)
> >
> > So, we had better start camping for that fucking fish with our group
> > of level 3 mules (fish is level 2 to 3) before they implement the
> > change on the actual servers! Don't care when you want to do the
> > quest, just fucking snatch as many fish corpse from under the
> > nose of Rodcet first!!!! That is the HARDEST part of the quest!!! We
> > better get our asses moving before the next patch comes along!!!!
> > KNN!!!!!
> >
> > Unless, of course, you all dowan this 7/43 1H blunt wpn that gives
> > +10INT +5DEX... blah blah that is the Stein of Moggok...
> >
> > I suggest this... we all create throwaway characters in Qeynos,
> > level them up to 3 or so, and we group to smack fishes. It should
> > be fun too, imagine a horde of level 1 "newbies" swarming Qeynos
> > hunting grounds...
> >
> > This group must be well planned, however, with a proper mix of
> > classes to optimise our abilities... and if possible, make all human,
> > level up faster...
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > Love is in the air...
> > Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> >
> > Cya,
> > Praetor
> >
> > Praetor@...
> > ICQ 1767778
> >
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