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Message ID: 2038
Date: Fri Aug 20 07:48:28 BST 1999
Author: LKW
Subject: RE: URGENT!!!! Major change to Stein quest coming!!!!
> From: "Ebon Praetor" <kelc@...>
> I have just read on EQ Enchanters that the Koalindl fish corpse is
> now a NODROP item on the test servers!
> This means that anyone who wants to complete the quest MUST
> take the major faction hits that come with killing the fish! Now that
> it is NODROP, no more mule character to take faction hits then
> transfer to your main character...
> A bit of back ground about the fish... when you kill it, Qeynos
> Inhabitants, Barbarians, even RODCET NIFE himself, not just his
> clerics, drop faction with you, and because the corpse doesn't
> always load, this means that you might have to kill it several times,
> and will quickly become KOS to these factions. (Maybe Rodcet will
> throw down lightning bolt to strike thee down? *heh*)
> So, we had better start camping for that fucking fish with our group
> of level 3 mules (fish is level 2 to 3) before they implement the
> change on the actual servers! Don't care when you want to do the
> quest, just fucking snatch as many fish corpse from under the
> nose of Rodcet first!!!! That is the HARDEST part of the quest!!! We
> better get our asses moving before the next patch comes along!!!!
> KNN!!!!!
> Unless, of course, you all dowan this 7/43 1H blunt wpn that gives
> +10INT +5DEX... blah blah that is the Stein of Moggok...
> I suggest this... we all create throwaway characters in Qeynos,
> level them up to 3 or so, and we group to smack fishes. It should
> be fun too, imagine a horde of level 1 "newbies" swarming Qeynos
> hunting grounds...
> This group must be well planned, however, with a proper mix of
> classes to optimise our abilities... and if possible, make all human,
> level up faster...
> --
> Love is in the air...
> Get me a gas mask, quick!!!
> Cya,
> Praetor
> Praetor@...
> ICQ 1767778
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